
5 signs it’s time to replace your siding

How to maintain your wood deck

Siding is one of the most important parts of your home’s exterior. Not only does it pro- tect the structure from the elements, it also showcases your house’s style. While you may wish your siding would last forever, it will eventually need to be replaced. Here are a few signs you need new siding. 1. Visible damage. Numerous things can damage siding including dirt, the weather and moisture. If only a few pa- nels are affected, you might be able to replace them. But if the damage is widespread, you’ll need to replace the whole thing. 2. Peeling paint indoors. If you have water damage on your interior walls, it might mean that your siding is no longer effec- tively keeping moisture out of your home. 3. Your bills have increased. Siding plays a big part in insulating your home. If you notice a drastic change in your bills, your

siding may have an air leak. In this sce- nario, your heating and cooling system works extra hard to regulate your home’s temperature, which ultimately results in costlier utility bills. 4. Mould or mildew. Fungus or mould in or near the seams of your siding may indi- cate water infiltration. 5. It looks faded and old. Replacing your siding can drastically increase your home’s curb appeal. Among home reno- vations, new siding has one of the highest returns on investment. When it’s time to replace your siding, be sure to take action sooner rather than later. The longer you wait, the more likely it be- comes that other parts of your home will get damaged as a result of having deterio- rated siding.

Wood decks are timeless backyard addi- tions, but they aren’t maintenance free. When not properly taken care of, they’re prone to rotting. Here’s how to take care of your wood deck. • Inspect it. Every spring, take time to look your deck over. Examine all the compo- nents to make sure there’s no damage. If you come across any, fix it before it gets worse. • Clean it. Regularly sweep debris off your deck. Scrub it with soap and water once a year. If you’d rather use a pressure washer, be careful: highly pressurized water can

gouge holes in wood. Using a sweeping motion, always keep the washer moving.

• Sand and seal it. Every two or three years, sand your patio and apply a sealant. This will prevent the wood fromabsorbingmois- ture. You can hire a professional to do this, or you can set aside a weekend and do the job yourself. Hopefully, you’ll get to enjoy your wood deck this summer, and for many summers to come. Regular maintenance will ensure that you do.

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