King's Business - 1938-10

December, 1938

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


Jesus Christ. As we are dead in our sins, there is a spiritual transfusion that takes place as we turn to Him and cry for de­ liverance, for strength, for life. The blood of the Lord Jesus Christ does become effec­ tive, and you do have newness of life as you go forward walking in His strength. Do not be discouraged if you cannot un­ derstand all these things. Maybe you can­ not understand all about the blood or the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. W e can­ not explain some of the factors about the blood of Christ, but neither can we explain all about the functions of the blood in our ordinary life. Do you know that several years ago the method for purifying salt was a method in which blood was used? In Wales, they would go down into the salt mines and bring the salt to the surface. It was dirty black salt. As it was brought to the surface, it was mixed with the blood of bullocks, and after it had gone through various processes, it came out white as snow. Does that seem like a miracle?. It is not explainable. W e cannot give a chem­ ical explanation for all these things, but we know the definite fact does exist that when dirty, black salt is mixed with blood, it be­ comes white, clean salt. It is the same with man in his sin. God has provided this way for man. In the blackness of our sinful life, we can come to the Lord Jesus Christ, and by the efficacy of that blood shed on Cal­ vary our sins are cleansed whiter than snow. He knows the process. W e only know the result. Seeing the Meaning of the Blood You must see the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour and must realize that He died on Calvary and gave His blood that He might be your Saviour. Sometimes we think we would like to have a different pic­ ture of the Lord. We cannot understand why He had to die and why He had to bear the agonies of the crucifixion. W e must come to see that God’S way is the most beautiful way. It may seem better to see the beautiful paintings and pictures of Christ, but when you see Christ dying for you on the cross, that is the most beautiful picture of all. A little girl used to climb on her mother’s lap day after day. She would run her fin­ gers through mother’s hair, and would say, “Oh, Mother, your hair is so beautiful!” Then, she would touch her mother’s cheeks and nose and mouth, and would say, “Oh, Mother, you are so pretty!”, She then would touch the back of her mother's hands, which were red and scarred and rough, and she would cry, "But, Mama, your hands are so ugly!” Her mother did not say anything. Days went by. The little girl grew, and when she was. large enough, as she came to mother one day and told her how beautiful she was but how ugly her hands were, the mother said, "Now, Honey, I am going to tell you about Mother’s hands. When you were a little baby and still in your crib, the oil stove exploded and shot fire all over the room. I had to beat out the flames with my hands, and that is the reason Mother's hands are so scarred and red, but if Mother hadn’t put out those flames, you wouldn’t be here."

Do we have to ask what became the most beautiful part of Mother to that little girl from that day on? It was those hands. Every time that girl saw those red, scarred hands, they spoke to her of life. Men and women, as you see the nail prints on the hands of the Lord Jesus, as you see Him dying on C alvary and understand it was for you, you will not think of the ugliness and the agonies of that death! You will see the life side; you will see Christ dying that you might live. And when you see the meaning of the shed blood as it is applied to your soul’s salvation, you will glory in that blood which an unbelieving world scorns. Chris­ tians, have you ever let the power of the blood be effective in your daily life? If you have been ashamed of Jesus, why have you not surrendered all to Him? Are you going to stop being ashamed of being a follower of Christ? Are you going to stop being ashamed to take up the cross and follow Him? son’s funeral was this morning. Last week when he knew he was going to die, he con­ fessed that his store had not been broken in­ to at all, that he did it himself and accused you because he wanted to keep you and Faye from getting married. So, you’ve got five hundred dollars now—the amount you saved, added to what I paid . . . Listen to that music, will you? I bought Mother a new radio for Christmas.” Jerry listened, his heart singing a glad melody in harmony with the hymn from the radio, while there surged within him a deep, pure love for' the One whose coming to earth was being celebrated tomorrow. CH R ISTM A S PRODIGAL [C ontinued from p a g e 412]


Possibly some of our subscribers may be confused as to the renewal dates of their subscriptions owing to the changes in frequency of pub­ lication of THE KING’S BUSINESS. The first change, from 12 months to 10 months (made in June, 1938) resulted in the omission of the JULY and AUGUST issues, and the later change (in November, 1938) re-entered the publication on the old 12-months’ schedule. We there­ fore have the following announce­ ment to make: 1. Every subscription that was en­ tered BEFORE JULY 1, 1938, will include TWO AFTER-MA­ TURITY ISSUES. Subscribers in this group can learn their ex­ piration date by consulting wrapper (date on which has never been changed) and mere­ ly adding two months. Thus YOU WILL R E C E I V E 12 ISSUES FOR YOUR 1938 SUB­ SCRIPTION. 2. Be sure to send your renewal at the USUAL TIME. Your ad­ ditional TWO MONTHS WILL BE ADDED BY US, and your wrapper after the renewal will then show the NEW CORRECT MATURITY DATE. If, accord­ ing to your wrapper, your ma­ turity date occurs in December, please send your renew al IMMEDIATELY. This arrangement is necessary to avoid the heavy expense of al­ tering wrapper dates before ma­ turity. May we ask you to cooperate by sending your renewal as promptly as possible? THE KING’S BUSINESS H. S. R1SLEY Circulation Manager was in the hospital, I finally understood the power of the blood. I was so weak as I lay in the hospital that I could not lift a finger; I could not raise my head from the pillow. It was necessary for me to have blood transfusions. I never forgot the expe­ riences I passed through when receiving these transfusions. As they inserted the tube and the blood came coursing into my veins, there seemed to be new life. There were little jerks throughout my body. Im­ pulses of strength and waves of power and life seemed to be flowing into me. About an hour and a half later, I felt as though I had enough strength to get out of bed and walk around. Then I knew there was life in the blood. When I was about ready to die, when I had no strength, the blood was brought and there came new strength, new life. It is the same with the blood of the Lord CH R IST JESU S—THE UNIQUE [C ontinued from p a g e 409]

T h e Power of Ch ristian Fiction

Paul Hutchens has written and has had p u b l i s h e d about 600.000 words in the past five years (dur­ ing much of which time he has been ill in bed). The sweep­ ing popularity of his stories is attested by the fact that nearly 16.000 copies of his novels were sold in 1937. Yet—first, laSt,

Paul Hutchens

and His Daughter and all the time, he is an evangelist. “I feel encouraged,” he writes, “to know that I can still preach the gospel, and that souls are saved through the stories the Lord allows me to write.” Mr. Hutchens gladly will send circulars describing the eight Christian novels he has written, to any one who will request them. The titles are; R om ance of Fire, This W ag Out, A S o n g F orever, T he Last First, T he Voice, This Is Life, M astering M arcus, and Y esterday's Rain, the last named being just off the press. All are priced at the very low figure of $1.00 each. A dd ress Paul Hutchens, Box 383, George, Iowa.

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