King's Business - 1938-10


December, 1938

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


The Bible Institute

WINGS and SKY 125-page book of heart-touching verse, true to the Word, by Martha Snell Nicholson, author of Twenty Years of Pain and Thankfulness. Ideal CHRISTMAS GIFT, especially for shut-ins. PATOMAC VELOUR, $1.00; CLOTH, $1.50 For Sale By HOWARD W. NICHOLSON 1406 Lagoon Ave. • Wilmington, Calif. For a SOUL-W INNING O PPORTUN ITY S ee th e K ing ’ s B usiness clu b o ffer on p a g es 416 and 417. ~ 7 or ~ dur "" Contains many recipes and menus for correct and balanced diets. Vitamin and mineral information. Suggestive foods for the overweight and undernourished. JONES GRAIN MILL 322 So. Hill St., Grand Central Market, Los Angeles, Cal. T h ese are d a ys of GREAT O PPOR TUN ITY for presenting; Christ to people in the Russian border lands, including Jews . . . Our m issionaries w rite about: . . people who have never heard the Gospel . . . meeting hall is so packed that people are standing on stairs . . . many are very poor and not able to buy a copy of New Testament, we give them free . . W ill you help us to send the Bread of Life to the hungry multitudes on the Russian Mission Field? God will reward you. The Russian Missionary Society Miss M. N. Fetler, Secretary 1844 W . Monroe St. Room 2 Chicago, 111. Our monthly “The Friend of Russians” gives completé details of work among the Russians and Jews. A year’s subscription $1.00, sample copies free. YEAR BOOK ABSOLUTELY FREE

Reuben Johnson and Bernice Nelson, ’36, June 12, Los Angeles, Calif. Wilbert A. Regier, Th.B. '38, and Ruth E. Welty, ’36, Nov. 11, Pratum, Ore. Dr. John Warkentin and Linda Brown, June 26, Freeman, S. Dak. Born To John (’28) and Mrs. Braun, a daugh-: ter, Elaine Janet, Oct. 19, Dinuba, Calif. To Eugene (’36) and Mrs. Brickwedel (Bethel Breedlove), a daughter, Beverly Ann, Oct. 4, Salem, Ore. To Ernest B. (’33) and Mrs. Crabb (Helen N. Snyder, ’33), a daughter. Myrtle Margaret, Oct. 8, Cordova, Alaska. To Walter E. (’35) and Mrs. Lyons (Helen Williams, ’36), a son, William Ed­ win, Nov. 4, Seattle, Wash. To Stanley (’34) and Mrs. Parrish, a daughter, Judith Elizabeth, June 22, Central Point, Ore. To A. C. and Mrs. Preedy (H. Roberta Tewksbury, ’31), a daughter, Grace Mary, July 14, Chefoo, Shantung, China. W ith the Lord Thomas Fullerton, whose wife (Rosella Holmes) is a former student of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, went to be with the Lord on October 31, from his home at 4411 Highland PL, Riverside, Calif. The sympathy of members of the Institute cir­ cle is extended to Mrs. Fullerton in her loss.

BIO LA IN VENEZUELA Six members of the Orinoco River Mission pictured above are former students of the Bi­ ble Institute of Los Angeles. Still other gradu­ ates also serve under this Mission. From left to right are Marion Adams, '33; Dorothy Hos­ ting, '33; Minnie L. Wallace, '35; Harold Tuggy; Mrs. Charles Olvey, and Mr. Olvey, '36. Field headquarters of the Mission are at Apartado 578, Carupano, Venezuela, S. A. “H ere Am I; Send M e” D e p a r t u r e s of institute students for numerous fields of service have marked the fall months, as many have returned to their work after furlough or have entered upon foreign missionary activity for the first time. Workers sailing for China have included the following members of the China Inland Mission: Dorothy H. Cornell, '34; Eugene A. (’28) and Mrs. Crapuchettes (W ini­ fred Kopp, ’28); Ralph C. (’18) and Mrs. Scoville (Helen Small, ’19); Leona Thoer- ing, ’20, and Hazel Todd, ’19. They can be addressed in care of the China Inland Mis­ sion, 1531 Sinza Rd., Shanghai, China. J. Russell and Mrs. Davis (Miriam Grubb, ’32) and Catherine McKenzie, ’36, all of the Plymouth Brethren, have sailed for Chao Wang, Chenchow Province, Manchukuo. Olga Noreen, ’26, Scandinavian Alliance Mission, Amalner, E. Khandesh, India, has returned to her station. Bob Deans, of the Plymouth Brethren, was scheduled to sail from New York on November 4 for Lolwa, Irumu, Congo Beige, Africa. Mary Lopp, ’36, Box 551, Jackson, Ky., recently has begun her service under the Kentucky Mountain Mission, and Mary Morrow left Los Angeles on November 1 to engage in the same work. , John ( ’33) and Mrs. Bewley (Ruth Cas­ well, ’35), members of the Central Ameri­ can Mission, sailed from San Pedro on November 8 for Managua, Nicaragua, C. A., Apartado 115. M arried Floyd B. Boice and Virginia O. Spurr, '32, Sept. 20, Philadelphia, Pa. Walter A. Claassen and Jane E. Entz, ’27, Oct. 14, Whitewater, Kans. Leland Friesen, ’37, and Margaret Galt, Nov. 10, Los Angeles, Calif.

COMPANION BOOKS TO THE Bl BLE For Teachers and Students and all Bible Readers who wish reliable sources of information and help. PELOUBET’S BIBLE DICTIONARY By REV. F. N. PELOUBET, F ounder , “N otes on th e International Sunday-School L essons”

Latest and Most Up-to-Date Bible Dictionary. Com­ prehensive, concise, and accurate. Enables anyone to understand every passage in the Bible. In simple,lan­ guage it gives a full account of all topicsmentioned!!» every place, nation, event, custom, instrument, animal, etc. “By far the best Bible Dictionary for everyday use.”—Amos R. Wells, Litt.D., LL.D. The New International— BIBLE COMMENTARY Edited by REV. C. H. IRWIN, D.D., G eneral Editor , R eligious Tract S ociety With Introduction to Each Book of the Bible and 25,000 Text References with Explanations This work, four years in preparation, explains the Bible verse by verse, and comments on each. The one Bible commentary acceptable to all denominations. 660 pages. 32 full-page illustrations. Maps of Bible lands in colors.................Price, now ^ « tO O CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE “Next to th e purchase o f a B ible, I w ould ad vise you to g e t CRUDEN’S CONCORDANCE.”— D. L. M oody 812 pages. 508 illustrations. 14 maps................Price, now

This new edition is the most accurate and complete concordance to the Old and New Testaments. Con­ tains more than 200,000 references, and is the only edition including references to the Revised Version. Printed in black-face type. 783 pages...........Price, now $ 2.00 At all b ook sellers , or fr o m THE KING’S BUSINESS, S58 South Hope St., Los Angeles u

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