King's Business - 1938-10

EARN AND GIVE Club Plan Doubles Christmas Dollars Best Bargain in Christian Reading

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ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS in Clubs of 10 or more . . . . EACH 7 0 « ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS in Clubs of 3 to 9 ........... EACH 7 5 ' (Add 25c (or Canadian and foreign subscriptions to cover cost of extra postage.) SPECIAL to Club Organizers YOU W ILL RECEIVE: A Free Annual Subscription with each Club of Ten . . . . Free Book Prizes— write for list . . . . Simply keep $8 .00 out of each $ 1 5 .0 0 (send us $7 .00) that you collect on Clubs of Ten; keep 75c and send 75c each on Clubs of from 3 to 9, or for single su b sc r ip tio n s a f t e r Club is started.

# LOUIS T. TALBOT, Editor-in-Chief of THE KING’S BUSI­ NESS . . . Welcomed everywhere in evangelical circles as pastor of a Bible-centered, metropolitan church and as a favorite radio speaker. . . Using the Word of God, he has answered scores of questions, from pulpit and microphone, for perplexed inquirers. In THE KING’S BUSINESS, he contributes editorials and BIBLE ANSWERS TO VEXING PROBLEMS

g DAN GILBERT, staff writer and news analyst, will conduct a new and very important department in THE KING’S BUSI­ NESS, which will place this magazine in the front rank of Ameri­ ca’s Christian journals of opinion. Varied comments appear in VIEWS AND REVIEWS OF CURRENT NEWS

Louis T. Talbot

Den Gilbert

• LOUIS S. BAUMAN, interpreter of current events in the light of Scripture prophecy. . . sane, logical, and optimistic about “that blessed hope” (Titus 2:13). He writes of Armageddon, Antichrist, Rapture . . . and makes people love to study the Book that unfolds these truths. See his articles and analytical com- mentsin PROPHETIC SYMPOSIUM

• ALVA J. McCLAIN, scholarly writer on the fulfillment of Scripture predictions. His last series in THE KING’S BUSI­ NESS, “Four Great Powers of the End-Time,” was reprinted twice in booklet form, so great was the demand for it. In THE KING’S BUSINESS for 1939, don’t miss his three-part discus- «on of DANIEL'S "SEVENTY WEEKS"

Alva J. McClain

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