King's Business - 1938-10

Every Issue of THE KING’S BUSINESS Brings Valu­ able Regular Departments, Besides Feature Articles

There are the Daily Devotional Readings, the Commentary on the International Sunday-School Lessons—with sections for adults and children

and published a fu ll month in advance of the lesson date—Christian Endeavor Notes, Junior pages, and frequent answers to girls’ problems.

• W. H. WRIGHTON, like John Bunyan, drank deeply of the grace of God for lost sinners, at Bedford, England. Author of several hooks, he consistently exalts Christ. With broad training as a teacher (head of the Department of Philosophy, University of Georgia), he helps Sunday-school teachers through his pene­ trating article in THE KING’S BUSINESS entitled THE BATTLE IS . . . GOD'S

• ROBERT C. McQUILKIN, President of Columbia Bible Col­ lege, Columbia, S. C .. . . As a conference speaker, he has been used of God to lead hundreds into victorious life in Christ. . . For teachers of the International Sunday-school lessons in the life of Peter (first quarter, 1939), he writes feelingly of failures and triumphs in PETER'S TEN SPIRITUAL CRISES

W . H. Wrighton

Robert C. McQuilkin

® JAMES R. GRAHAM, indefatigable missionary whose athletic prowess and linguistic gifts give him access to Western-trained Chinese in high official positions, and to student groups in America . . . He shuns all equivocation in his insistence upon THE VINDICATION OF THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD

# H. A. IRONSIDE, “one of the most sought-after teachers in America.” . . . In THE KING’S BUSINESS, he unfolds truth in the Pauline Epistles at the very time that Sunday-school teach­ ers and pupils will be dealing with this section of Scripture in the International series. Look for his exposition of LIFE AND LETTERS OF PAUL

James R. Graham

9 MARTHA S. HOOKER, beloved teacher of boys and girls and of children’s leaders. . . Is one of several KING’S BUSINESS writers who devote special interest to youth.. . . She presents stories, object lessons, songs, and Scripture drills that delight young readers in the JUNIOR KING'S BUSINESS

# HELEN FRAZEE-BOWER, a mother with a true poet’s gifts. . .. Recognized by leading secular critics as being highly suc­ cessful, Mrs. Bower’s exquisite verse also breathes the indescrib­ able sweetness of the indwelling Christ. See the new department by this new staff member, THE POET'S CORNER

# VANCE HAVNER, pastor of the First Baptist Church, Charles­ ton, S. C. . . . Author of devotional books with a searching mes­ sage . . . Has “a way with Youth” . . . Conference speaker with special gift of stirring lazy Christians through his fearless unfold­ ing of the Word. His articles in THE KING’S BUSINESS are intimate messages FROM PASTOR TO PEOPLE

Helen Frazee-Bower

Martha S. Hooker

# HERBERT LOCKYER, one of England’s foremost evangelical preachers who has been warmly welcomed in America as a teacher and conference speaker. In THE KING’S BUSINESS, he contributes DEVOTIONAL MEDITATIONS

# OTHER WRITERS —Paul H utchens, a favorite Christian novelist; Harris H. G regg, who discusses “Why Must Christ Rise?” Willis R. Hotchkiss, intrepid missionary with the Living­ stone spirit; Frederick P . W ood, on “The Emotions of Paul.”

Herbert Lockyer

Vance Havner

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From a reader in Windon, Mich.: “THE KING’S BUSINESS is like a spring of cold, fresh water in a ‘dry and thirsty land’ and is truly a great blessing to me.” Says one in San Bernardino, Calif.: “We have found your magazine of great benefit to us in our spiritual life. My wife and I find the materials of great assistance in our Bible teaching in Sunday-school and Christian Endeavor.” A Sunday-school teacher in Roseburg, Ore., writes: “I know that I, as well as my pupils, miss a special blessing when I do not have the lesson from your magazine. The Golden Text and object *‘1 have often wondered whether you realized how many heartaches you soothe with the wonderful messages God has chosen for you to deliver, and how much you have accomplished by sending God’s message out over this whole world.” lessons are the best I have ever had.” From Maine comes this cheering word:

! THE KING’S BUSINESS j 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. You may send me sample copies and other supplies for enrolling ■ a Club, as follows: | □ Sample copies of THE □ “ King’sBusiness” 1939 □ Sample copy o rd er KING’S BUSINESS. Calendar-—one free to form for sending to B □ Church Bulletin Board each organizer. Others friends. ■ Poster 8'/2 x II inches at 25c each for resale □ Special List of Free (with space for name by organizer. Books for Club Organ- S and address). □ Receipt book with stub. izers. ■ □ Club Organizer’s Re- □ Organizer’s R ib b o n □ Self-addressed Busi- ■ port Form. Badge. ness Reply Envelopes. I Name..._______________ ..._.___________________________ ...... Address... ...............................................___________ ———BBBBBBC

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