King's Business - 1938-10


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

December, 1938

3. " W hen Jesu s b eh eld him” (v. 42). The Greek verb translated "behelcT im­ plies a searching look. Thé same word is used in Luke 22:61 when the Lord, after Peter’s denial, “turned, and look ed upon Peter.” Certainly it must have taken a searching look to see past all the fickleness and instability of this disciple, and say to him: “Thou shalt be called Cephas, . . . A ston e.” 4. "T h ey forsook all” (Lk. 5:11). We should recognize that Peter and his fellow disciples experienced three distinct calls. The first was the call to salvation (John 1:41, 42). The second was a call to full - tim e se r v ice (Lk. 5:10, 11). The third was a call to a particular task (Lk. 9: 1, 2). The first two are once for all, but the third may come over and over again, as every faithful servant of the Lord knows. Golden Text Illustration M ark 1:17 Bishop McCabe relates an experience: "At one time in a strange city, as the hack- man got down from his box and opened the door to let me out, I paid him, and, grasping his hand, said, 'Good night, I hope to meet you again in glory.' I had often done that, and thought nothing more of it in this case. . . . ' “About midnight my host-knocked at my door and said: ‘Chaplain, that hackman has come back, and says that he has got to see you tonight.’ “When the broad-shouldered, rough­ looking man, with whip in hand, was shown up, the tears rolled down his cheeks like

rain as he said, ‘If I meet you in glory, I have got to turn round. I have come to ask you to pray with me.’ ” This event became the very gate of heaven to that man.— F ive Thousand B est M odern Illustrations, b y H allock .

brother Andrew and their friends James and ' John were fishing partners. One day, while Simon was washing his fishing nets, Jesus came by and stepped into the boat and asked Peter to thrust the boat out from the shore so that He could sit there and talk to the crowds of people who had come to listen to His message. When Jesus had finished talking, He told Peter to take the boat on out into deep water and let down his nets. Now Peter had been fishing in that spot all night and had caught nothing, but, because Jesus told him to do it, he tried again, and when he went to pull the net up, it broke because of the great number of fish that were in it. Then Peter knew that Jesus was indeed the Christ, and he fell down and worshiped Jesus. Then it was that he left all and went to follow Jesus who promised to make him a "fisher of men.” This is what Jesus calls us to do too—to get our friends to follow Him. Object Lesson A P retty P encil O b jects: A pretty pencil, wrapped in cel­ lophane and tied with a beautiful ribbon. L esson: If I should give this pencil to one of you, would you keep it tied up in this cellophane? “No, I would get it out where I could use it.” You are right, William. This pencil was made to write with, and not to look pretty. People, today, are often very much like this pretty pencil. They think more of self than they do of serving others.

Peter’s New Teacher J ohn 1:35-42; L uke 5:1-11

M em ory Verse: “Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men” (Mk. 1:17). A pproach: This is the first day of a new year, and this year we are going to turn in our New Testament to the story of one of the followers of the Lord Jesus. You re­

member that when Jesus grew up, He began to teach the people that He was God’s Son, who had come from His Fa­ ther to live and to die for them. He chose some follow­ ers who should help Him to spread this message to the peo­

ple. The name of one of them was Peter. L esson S tory: Our story today tells us how Peter met Jesus. It was his brother Andrew who brought him to Jesus. An­ drew said to Peter, “W e have found the Messiah.” Then he took Peter to where Jesus was standing. Peter didn’t leave everything and follow Jesus this first time. He went on with his fishing, for he and his





January 22 to 29, 1939 The “sure word of prophecy” found in the Word of God and proclaimed fearlessly by such mighty men of God as R. A . Torrey*, is being fulfilled rapidly before our very eyes today! It is appropriate, therefore, that for the Fourth Annual Torrey Memorial Bible Conference at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles the theme should be: "CERTAINTIES AND UNCERTAINTIES OF THE PRESENT DAY"

On the program, there will be outstanding speakers who are qualified to discuss this important subject authoritatively. Sessions will be held morning, afternoon, and evening of each conference day. Pastors, teachers, and in fact all Chris­ tian workers who long to keep abreast of the times from a Scriptural point of view, will find a wealth of material made

available to them during these eight days of intensive study. Excellent accommodations are offered. Intimate glimpses of student life at the Institute—where approximately 400 choice young people are enrolled—will be afforded to all Confer­ ence delegates. Fuller announcements made next month. P la n now to attend!

*Dean, B ible Institute o f Los A ngeles , 1912 to 1924—an internationally known preacher o f the “faith . . . on ce fo r all d elivered ” TORREY MEMORIAL CONFERENCE COMMITTEE The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.

558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, California

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