December, 1938
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S 401 Is Your Name Here? B ELOW are the names of some of the most distinguished American famili s. Our research staff has, over a period 01 years, completed manuscript histories of each of these families. If your surname is listed, you should have your manuscript. We believe you will find it not only of keen interest, but a source of pride and satisfaction for yourself and your kinsmen. THESE FAM ILY HISTORIES ONLY $ 2 . 0 0 EACH
Jones Jordan-Jprdon Joy Joyce Judd Judson Jullan-Julien Kaiser K(e)teer Kane-Kain(e) Kavanagh Kay(e) Kearney Keating Keel(e)y Keen(e) Kell(e)y Kellogg Kelsey Kelso Kemp(e) Kemper Kendall Kendrick Kennedy Kenn(e)y Kent Kenyon Ken- Ketcham Kean(e) Keith Keller-Kellar Ketchum
Hawes Hawk(e)
Each manuscript is a GENEALOGICAL and HISTORICAL study of the family from earliest times. It records the origin and growth of the family in Europe; its place among the gentry there; its part in the early settlement and subse quent history of America, including service in the Revolutionary War; and its achievements and leading representatives in this country. The derivation and meaning of the name are traced;
Madison Magee Maguire Mahon Malone(y) Mann Manning Markham Mark(s) Marsh Marshall Martin Marvin Mather Mat(t)liews Mat(t)son Maxwell May Mayer Maynard Mayo McAdam(s) McAllister McCabe McCall ___
Nesblt-Nlsbet Ramsey Neville _ Ramsay Newcomb Newell Newman Newton Nicholas Rand Randall Randolph Rankin Ransom
Simpson Sinclair Singleton Skinner Slack Slater Sloan(e) Slocum Small Smalley Smart Smith Snell Snodgrass Sommer(s) Somers
Tyler Tyrrell Tyson-Tlson Underhill Underwood Upton Vail-Vale Valentine Vance Van Dyke Van Horn(e) Vaugh(a)n Vernon
Hawk(e)s Hawkins Hawley Haw.thorne Hayden Hay(e)s-Hay Hayman Haynes Hayward Haz(z)ard Head Heal(e)y Hearn(e) Heath Heaton Hedge(s) Helm Henderson Hendrick(8) Hendrix Henning Henry Herbert Herman Herndon . Herrick Her(r)lng Her(r)on Hess(e) Higgins Hilliard Hillman Hlll(s) Hilton Hin(c)kley Hinman Hinton Hitchcock Hite-Hight Hoag Hobbs Hobson Hodge(8) Hodgson Hoffman(n) Hogan Hogg I Holbrook Holcomb(e) Holden Holland Holl(e)y Holliday Hollingsworth Hollis Hofman(n) Hollister Holloway Holmair Holmes Holt Hood Hooker Hooper Hoover Hopkins Hopper Horn(e) Horner Horton Hosklnfs) Hotchkiss Hough Houghton House Houston How(e) Howard Howell Howland Hoyt-Holt Hubbard Hubbell Huber Hudson Huff Hughe Hull Hume(s) Huntington Huntley Hurd-Heard Hurlbu(r)t Hurley Hurst Hussey Huston Hutchtn(g)s Hutchl(n)8on Hutton Hyatt-Hlatt Hyde Hynes Ingalls Ingersoll Ingra(ha)m Ireland Irish Irvin(e) Irving Irwin Isaac(s)
Nlchol(l)8 Nicholson Nickerson Niles Nixon Noble Noel-Nowell
Ranson Rawlin(g)s Ray-Rae Raymond Red(d)lng Redmon(d) Redman Reed-Read Reeve(s) Reid Reynolds Rhodes Rhoad'(e)s Rice Rich Richard Richards Richardson Richmond Ricker-Rlker
Snead-Sneed Voss-Vos(e)
Massey-MassleNolan Masters Masterson Norris
Waddell Wade Wadsworth
Norman North Norton Norwood Noyes Nugent Nye Oakley O'Brien O’Connor Odell Ogden Oliver
Rees(e)-Reece Snow
Snyder-Snlder Wag(e)ner
recurrent family traits are brought out; and genealogical data are set forth. A valuable .bibliography is included, as well as the authoritative description of a family coat of arms. Each history is a separate and distinct work painstakingly compiled from the most authentic sources. Reproduced on fine paper and bound in a handsome black cover stamped in silver ink, it is suitably designed for filing among your family records or other documents. With each order we will send The Romance oj Coats oj Arms, an illustrated, informative publication prepared by the Bureau. If your order arrives promptly we will also include, at no extra cost, our spe cially designed Ancestry Chart (regularly 35 cents each). It measures 17 by 22 inches and contains spaces in which to record the names'of your ancestors in all lines for eight generations. The following is our latest list, containing 200 new names. The coupon, with $2.00 (no other charge), will bring you your manuscript by return mail. Satisfaction is assured by our unconditional money- back guaranty. Any two manuscripts may be had for $3.75; any three for $5.00. Send for yours today. M edia R e se a rc h B u re a u , Dept 812 1110 F Street, Washington, D.C. Look Also for Your Mother’s and Grandmothers' Maiden Names
Wait(e) Wakefield Waldron Walker
Spangler Spark(s) Spa(u)lding Spear(s)-SpeerWall
Spence Spencer Spicer
Waliace-Wallls Waller Walsh Walter(s) Walton
Sprague Springer Riddle-Riddel! Squire(s) Rider Ridg(e)way. 8taat(s) Stacy
McCart(h)y oimste(a)d McClain O'Neil(I) McClellan(d)- O'Neal McClintock Orr McClure Osborn(e) McCollum Osgood McCallum otis McCormick Overton McCormackOwen(s) McCoy Pace McCue' Page-Paige McCullough Pain(e) McCune Painter McCurdy Palmer McDaniel(s) Par(r)Is McDonough Par(r)teh McDowell Parker McElroy Parkinson McGee Park(s) McG(e)hee Parke(s) McGill-Maglll Parry McGinnis Parsons
Ward Ware Warner Warren
Hewitt-Hewett Kern(s) Heyman Hibbard Hickey Hickman Hicks Key(e)s Key(e)
Riggs Riley Ring Ripley Ri(t)chie
Stafford Stanford Stanley Stanton Staples Stapleton
Wa8hburn(e) Washington Waterman Watkins Watson Wat(t)er$ Watt.(s) Weaver Webb Web(b)er Webster Week(e)s Weir Welch-Weteh Weller Wellman Wells
Keyser Kidd Kilpatrick Kimball Kincaid King
Rl(t)chey _____ Rttter-Rutter Star(r) Rivers Stark (e) Roach-Roche Starkey Robbln(s) Stauffer
Robin(s) Roberts Robertson Robinson Rock(e) Rockwell Rodgers Roe Rogers Rollins Root Rose Ross Rous.Ce) Rowan Rowe Rowell Rowland
Stearn(s) Stebbins Steel(e) Steen Sterling Stevens Stevenson Stinson Stockton Stoddard Stokes Stone Stor(e)y Storm Stout Stover Stowell Stratton Street Streeter Strickland Stewart
Kirkland Kirkpatrick Kitchen Kline Knapp Knight Knott(8) Knowles Knowlton Knox Kolb
Stephenson Wendel(l)
McGowan McGuire McHugh McIntosh McIntyre Mclntlre McKee McKinley McKinney
Partridge Pate Pat(t)eraon Pat(t)on Patten Patrick Paul Payne
Wentworth Westbrook Wes(t)cott Weston WhaKDey Wharton Wheaton Wheeler W(h)eldon Whipple . Whitaker Whitcomb White Whitehead Whitfield Whiting Whitlock Whitman Whitney Whittaker
Stlles-Styles West StJKDweil
Kramer Kuhn(s) Kyle Lac(e)y
Meredith Merrill Merritt Metcalf(e) Meyer(s) Michael Michel(1) Middleton McKenii(e)yPeak(e)-Peek Rowley McLaughlin Pearce-Pearee Rush McLellan Pearson Russ McMillen Pease Russel(1) McNell(l) Peck Rust McNutt Pendleton Rutherford Mead(e) Penn Rutledge Mellen-MellonPennington Ryan Melvin Pep(p)er Ryder Merc(i)er Perkins Sadler Perrln(e) Sage Perry St. John Person(s) Peters Peterson Petersen Pet(t)lt Petty Sam(p)8on Sanborn Sanderson
Abbot(t) Abel(l) Abraham(s) Abram(s) Adair Adam(s) Adkins Agnew Aiken(s) Alden Aldrich Aldridge Alexander Alford Allen-AUan Allison Ambrose Ames Amos Anderson Andrew(8) Angel(l) Anthony Applegate Archer Archibald Armstrong Arndt Albright
_____ Den(n)Ison Denton Dewey De Witt Dexter Dickerson Dickinson Diehl-Deal Dietrich Dill-Dell Dillon Dlnsmore Dix ,
Ladd Lake Lamb Lambert Lancaster Landls-Landes Lane Lang Lan(g)don Langford Langley Larkin (s) Latham Lathrop , Lat(t)imer Law Lawrence Lawson Lawton Le(a)dbetter Leach-Leech Leavitt Lee Lefe(b)vre Lehman(n) Lelgh-Lea Leland Lem(m)on Le(o)nard Leslie-Lesley Lester Levitt Lewis Liii(e)y-Llllie Lincoln Llnn(e) Linton Lippincott Little-Littell Livingston Lindsey Lovell Lovett Low(e) Low(e)ry Lucas Luce-Lucy Ludwig Lund-Lunt Luther Lyle(8)-Ltele Lyman Lynch Lynn(e) Lyon M(a)cDonald M (a)cDougal(l) Mace-Macy ' M(a)cFadden M(a)cFarland M (a)cFarlane M(a)cGregor Mack M(a)cKay M(a)cKenzle M(a)cLean M(a)cLeod M(a)cMahon M(ajcM Ilian M(a)cMurray M(a)cNab(b) M (a)cNamara M(a)cPherson M(a)cRae L(l)oyd Lock(e) Lockhart Lockwood Logan Lombard Long Loomis Lowell Lord Love
Bel(k)nap Benedict Benj&min Benner Bennett_ Bernard Berry Best Betts Beyer Bickford Biddle Bigelow Bigg(8) Billings Bingham Birch Bird Bell Benton Blackman Blackwell Blaln(e) Blair Blake Blake1(e)y Blanchard Bland Bliss Blodgett
Budd(e) Buel(l) Bull Bullard Bullock Burgess Burke
___ Cochran(e) Cody Coe
Field Finch Fin(d)ley Finney Fish Fisher Flsk(e) Fitch Fitzgerald Fitzpatrick Flem(m)lng Fletcher Fin(d)lay Flower(s) Floyd Flynn-Fllnn
Goldsmith Good(e) Goodin(g) Goodman Goodrich Goodwin Gordon Gore GossCe) Gough Graham Granger Grant Gray-Grejf Gr(e)aves Green(e) Greenwood Greer-Grler Gregg Gregory Griffin Griffith Grlgg(s) Grimes Gould Grace
CofTey-Coffee Dlck(e)
Bundy-Bunde Cogan-CogglnsDIckey
Co(1)burn Colby Cole-Coale Col(e)man
Benson-BensenBurch . . ----------------
Strong Stroud Stuart Stubbs
Akers-Ackers Bentley
.... . * Bergen-Bergln Burnett Albrecht
, v
Burnham Burns Burr
Coles Collier
Stump(e) Whit(te)more S K lurge8Wi^ w Summer(s) Sumner lggln(8) ilbur-Wilber Wlld(e) Wilder Wiley Wllk(e)s Swain-Swaynewìiktn(s) Sweep(e)y Wilkinson Sweet
Collins Burrell-Burrlll Colvin Burrows Comer Burroughs Compton Burt " ----- Burton Bush Buslinell Comstock Conant Cone-Coan Conklin(g) Buss(e)-Bussey Conley Butler Butterfield Conn Connell Connolly
____ Dixon-Dickson Flint .Doan(e) Flood Dobbs Dodson-DotsonFoley Dolan Foote Donahue Forbes Donohue Ford Donaldson Dodd(8) Dodge
Sanford Sargent Sa(u)ndere
Miles-Myles Phelps MÜlard Phillips Miller Pickering Milligan Plcket(t) ______ Miner-Minor Pierson Mltchel(l) Pike Moffat(t) Piper Monroe Plt(t)man Pltt(s) Montgomery Platt Moody Plum (m)er Pollard Mo(o)reliouse Pollock Mills Montague Poe Polk
Willard WIKDcox Willett(s) Wlll(e)y Williams Williamson Willis Willoughby Wilis Wilson Wtn(d)sor Wing
Plerce^Pelrce Sayer(s)-Sayre Swift
Schaef(f)er Schen(c)k Schneider Sc(h)ofleld Schultz Schumacher Scott Seaman Sears 8eel(e)y Selby Sellera Schaf(f)er 8haf(f)er Shannon Sharp(e) Shaw Shea-Shay She(a)rer Sheldon Shelton 8hep(p)ard Shepherd Sheridan Sherman Sherwood
Sylvester Taft Taggart Talbot(t) Tall(e)y Tal(i)man Tanner Tate-Talt
For(e)man Forrest Forsyth(e) Fort(e)
Butt(s) Buxton Byer(s)
Bishop Blssell Black Blackburn(e) Byrd
Donnelly Donovan
Foster-Forster Griswold Fowler Fox Francis
Byrne Byron Cady-Cade Cahill Caln(e) Caldwell Call Calhoun Callahan Callaway Campbell Camp(e) Canfield Can(n)on Cantrell Car(e)y Carl(e)ton Carlisle Carmichael Carney Carpenter Carr Carroll Carson Carter Cartwright Carver Casey Cass Cassel(1)
Conway Cook(e) Cooley Co(o)mbs Coon(8) Cooper Cope Copeland Corbett Corbin Cor(e)y Cornell Cornwell Cotton Cottrell Couch Coulter Courtney Cox(e) Craft-Croft Craig Cramer Crane-Craln Crawford Crew(s) Crocker Crockett Crook(s) Crosby Cross Crouch Crowder Crow(el Crowell Crump Culbertson Cullen
Doty Do(ug)herty Doughty Douglas(s) Dow Dowd-Doud Down(e)s Downing
Moon(e) Mooney Mo(o)re Moran Morey Morgan Money Morrill Morris Morrison Morrow Morse Morton Mos(e)ley M 088 (e) Mott Moulton Moyer Mulligan Munro(e) Munson Murdock Murphy Murray Myer(s) ----------
Arnold Arthur Ashby Ash(e) Ashley Ashton Atkins Atkinson Atwood Austin Avery
Taylor Teague Teller Temple Templeton Bewell-Sewall Terrell-Terrlll w n t« eiivtMijai>vt,.n T u m i hh B sss Winn(e) Winslow Winston
Grover Groves Grubb(s) Gunt(h)er Guthrie Guy Hacker Hackett Hadley
Frank(e) Franklin Fraz(l)er Fraser Fred (e)rick
Pomeroy Pond-Pound PooKe) Pope Porter Post Potter Prescott Preston Price Priest Prince Prit(t)chard Pritchett Powell Power(8) Pratt
Doyle Drake Draper Drew Drummond Drury-Drewry Fry(e) Du Bol8 Fuller Dudley Fulton Duff Furman Duke(s) Gage Dunbar Gaines Duncan Galbraith Dunham jGale Dunlap-DunlopGall(e) Dunn(e) Galloway Dunning Gamble Durant-DurandGard(I)ner Freeland Freeman French Fritz-Frltts Frost
Thayer Thomas Thom(s) Wise Wiseman Withers Witt Wolcott Thompson ThomiAi
■ 19 Hagen-Hagan Humphrey(s) Hager-Haeger Humphries Hahn-Hann Hunt Haig(h)-Hague Hunter
Ayer(s)-Ayres Boggs Babcock Bolton Bach(e) Bond Bacon Bonner Badger Booker Bagley Boon(e) Bailey-Bayley Booth(e) Bain(e)-BayneBorden
rn(e) Thornton Thorp(e) Thurston Tiffany Tillman Titus Todd Tomlinson Tom(p)kins Tower(s) Towne Townsend Trac(e)y Travis Traver(s) Tripp Trowbridge Tucker Tully Turnbull
Woodbury . Woodruff Wood(8) Woodward Woodworth Wool(l)ey Worden Worth Worthington Wray Wren(n) Wright Wyatt Wylie Wyman Wynn(e) Yates Yeager-Yager York(e) Young Younger
Haines Hale Haley Hall
Hallet(t) Halllday Hatete(a)d Hamilton Hamlin Ham(m) Ham(m)el Hamlll Hammond
Boss(e) Boswetl Bosworth Bou(gh)ton Bourn(e) Bowen Bower(s) Bowe(s) Bowles-Boies Case Bowman Boyce-Boyes Boyd .............. Boyer-Bowyer Cassidy Boyle(s) Castle
Baird Baker Baldwin Ball Ballard Baiiou
_______ Proctor-ProcterShleld (s) Pryor-Prior Shipley Pugh . Shirley Purcell-Pursell Shoemaker
Durham Dutton Duval(1) Dye-Dee Dyer Earl(e)
Garland Garner Garrett Garrison Gaston Gates Gault-Galt Gay Hampton Hancock Hand Han(d)ley Haney G(e)ary-GerryHank(e)s
Nagel-Nagle Purdy
Shore(s) Short 8hultz
Bancroft Bank(e)s Ban(n)lster Barber Barbour Barclay Barkley Barker Barlow Barnard Barnes Barnet(t) Barney Barr Barrett Bar(r)on Barrow (s) Barry
Nance Nash Naylor
Putnam Pyle
Quackenbush Sill(s)
NeaKe)-Nell(l)Quick Needham Quigley
sim(m)onds Simmons 8lm(m)s Simon
Earl(e)y Eastman Easton Eaton Eddy Edmonds Edmon(d)son
Neel(e)y Neff
Quln(n) RadcillT(e)
Gee Geer-Gear George Gerhard(t) Gibbon(8) Gibbs Gibson Gifford Gilbert Gilchrist Gill Gillett(e) Gillespie Gil11(e)s Gil(1)man Gilmore Glass Gleason Glen(n)
HankinCs) Hanna(h) Hanson Hansen
Ralney-RanneySimons-SymonsTurner Rateton Simonson Tuttle-Tuthlli Zlmmerman(n) THESE MANUSCRIPTS MAKE IDEAL GIFTS p m m a m a a a m a B a a a m a m a a a B i ■MEDIA RESEARCH BUREAU, Dept. 912 - 1110 F Street, Washington, D.C. Please send me postpaid the manuscript (or manuscripts) I indicated below. I enclose $ 2.00 (or $ 3.75 for any two. $s*oo ■ for three) as payment in full. It is understood that if I am not ^ fully satisfied I will receive an immediate refund of my money. ■ Your name...............................................................................:....„.............-
........... Bran(d)t Brady Bragg Branch Brand Bradbury Bradford Bradley Bradshaw Brewer Brewster Brlce-Bryce
Chamberí(a)in Culp-Kulp Chambers ....." ' Champion
Hardin-Hardenlves Harding Jack(s) Hardy-Hardie Jackman Hare
Cuiver-Colver Edmunds Cummin (g)s Edwards Cunningham Curtis Cushing Cushman Cutler Eggleston Elder Eldridge Elliot(t) Ellis Ellison Ellsworth ____ , Darby-Derby Engel-Engle Darling English Daugherty Erwin Davenport Estes Dav(e)y-DavleEvans Davld(s) ~ Davidson Eldred(ge) Dali(e)y Dalton Danforth Daniel(s)
Chandler Chapin Chapman Chappell Charles Chase
Jackson Jacob(s) Ja(c)ques Jaeger-Jager James Jam(l)eson Jamison Jarrett Jarvis Jay(e) Jeff(e)rles Jeffrey(s) Jefferson Jenkln(s) Jenks-Jencks Jennings
Harlan Harlow Gilè(s)-Guile Harmon
Bartholomew Bray Bartlett
Harman Harper Harrington Harris Harrison Hart Hartley Haskell Haskins Hastings Hatch Hatcher Hatfield Hathaway
Barton Bass(e) Bassett
Chester Child(s) Chisholm Christian Christie Christy Church Churchill Clapp Ciark(e) Clay Clayton Cle(a)veland Clement(s) Clemens
Elmore-Elmer Glll(l)am Ely Emerson Emery
Bridges Ba(t)chelder Briggs Bateman Brigham Bates Bright Bauer Bristol Baxter Britton Beach-Beech Brock Beal(e)-Beall Bronson Bean(e) Brooke Beard Brooks Beardsley Broughton Beatty-BeattieBro(u)wer Beaver(s) Brown(e) Brownell
Everett-EverlttGlover Ewing Glynn Falrbank(s) Goddard Fairchild Godfrey Farley-Fairley Godwin Farn(h)am
Jewell Jewett John(s) Johnson Hauser-HouserJohnston(e)
Davi(e)s Dawson Day Dayton Dean(e) Decker(t) De(e)ring Delan(e)y Denn(e)y Dennis
INames of manuscripts desired....
Madden Maddox
Beck Becker Becket(t) Beckwith Beebe Beecher Beer(s)
Browning Bruce Brush
Clifford Clifton Cline
For $9.50 you can have an authentic, hand-painted Farrefl-Ferrel COAT OF ARMS of any family listed. Our heraldic Faulkner artists emblazon each Coat of Arms to order, on Fenton parchment paper size 11 by 14 inches. (Use coupon.)
Check here ff you are enclosing $ 9.50 for a hand-painted Coat of Arms of the following fam ily.....^...................—
____ Bryan(t)-BrlanCllnton Buchanan Close Buck Clough
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