King's Business - 1938-10


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

December, 1938

from the dead. Still the disciples didn't un­ derstand it all, how He had suffered death that they might live forever with God. So Jesus had to show Himself to them before He went back to heaven to stay. One day, when some of the .disciples were fishing, Jesus appeared to them. He stood on the shore and told them to cast their net on the other side of the ship. They did, and instead of being empty, the net was soon crowded with fishes. They remembered that Jesus had done this for them once before, and they knew that it was Jesus. Peter jumped out of the boat and made his way to the shore. How anxious he was to know whether Jesus still loved him and would trust him to be a faithful follower! Jesus knew what he was think­ ing, but instead of saying, “Yes, I still love you, Peter," He said, “Lovest thou me?” That was the important thing. Jesus can use as His disciples only those who really love Him. “Yes,” said Peter to Jesus, "Thou knowest that I love thee.” Can we say that same thing to Jesus?

there is a fellowship involved in the act of eating so clear and precious that the Lord has made it symbolical of spiritual things. W e shall sit down in the kingdom of God and eat, not because we need food to sus­ tain the new life, but as a symbol of spirit­ ual fellowship. Once we accept the stu­ pendous miracle of a resurrection body, the matter of its ability to take food will seem but a light thing to believe. 2. "L ovest thou me?" (v. 16). It is wor-i thy of note that in all three of the Lord’s questions about Peter’s love, not once does He raise the question of Peter’s love for his fe llo w men. From the standpoint of mod­ ernistic religion, this would be a serious oversight. But Christ knew that once Peter’s devotion was completely absorbed in the divine Object, it would also flow out in service to his fellow men. 3. "T he third, tim e” (v. 17). Why three times? Did the Lord purpose thus to remind Peter of his terrible failure when he denied his Master th ree times? Probably so, and just as Peter had spoken a threefold denial, so now he is given the opportunity of speaking a threefold confession of love. 4. "F ollow m e" (v. 19). This is the fourth and final call of the Lord to Peter. And, in the light of the context, it was a call to follow the Lord to a violent death. Perhaps tradition is right in affirming that Peter was crucified, head downward at his own request, feeling unworthy of dying as his Lord had died. Golden Text Illustration J ohn 14:15 It was Grace’s first experience at a board­ ing school. A copy of the rules was hand­ ed to her as she entered. She read them with frowning brow and sinking heart. Keep those rules? She never could, and she never would. It was intolerable! At sup­ per Grace was introduced to the Principal. What a lovely woman! How winning her smile! The next day Grace’s admiration in­ creased. Soon the girl became one of her most devoted adherents. Where were now the irksome rules? Her one desire was to please the Principal. Love made easy the fulfilling of the commands. —T he Christian Age. When Peter Was Happy Again J ohn 21:11-19 M em ory V erse: “If ye love me, keep my commandments" (John 14:15). A pproach: Our story last week told what a coward Peter was when Jesus was being led away by His enemies. People might suppose that after that, Jesus would never trust Peter again to do anything for Him. But Jesus forgave him, just as He forgives

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Object Lesson W atch the W atch O b jects: A gold watch with the hands removed. L esson: This is a beautiful watch, but there is something wrong with it. Walter, listen to if tick, and see whether you can tell what is the matter. “It sounds all right to me." It does sound right, but there is still something wrong with it. Look at its face. “Its hands are gone!” Yes, you have found the trouble. The watch ticks, but it does not tell. As far as the inside is concerned, it may be keeping time perfectly; but no one, looking at it, can tell the time. Peter was like this watch. He confessed an inward love for Christ when he said, "Thou knowest that I love thee.” Christ knew that Peter had not been acting as if he loved Him. Peter’s outward actions should have told of his inward love. Just as this watch needs a skilled jeweler to replace its hands, so Peter needed Christ to transform his life so that others might know of his love for Christ. We, too, need to listen to the command of Christ: “If ye love me, keep my com­ mandments” (John 14:15). When a man is impatient, when he chafes, then it is not God who is before him, but himself.—J. B. S. Resignation is putting God between one­ self and one’s grief.— S elected . The man who does as he likes is the greatest slave. The man who never does as he likes is God’s free man. —G. C ampbell M organ .

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us when we do some­ thing wrong, if we are sorry and really want to do better. L e s s o n S t o r y : Soon after that, the saddest and yet most wonderful part of the gospel story t o o k place. Jesus was ta­ ken by His enemies to die on the cross,

and He was buried, and then, just as He had said it would happen, He rose again D i v i s i o n

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