King's Business - 1938-10



December, 1938

NOTES on Christian Endeavor

“The Perpetual Challenge of Central Asia” ★ This is the title of an absorbing booklet by Mildred Cable which will be sent with seven other booklets, including a year’s subscription to “Dawn in Central Asia,” for 50 cents. ,Write Rev. Ernest E. Grimwood . . . ★ C E N T R A L AS I AN M I S S I ON 47 Victoria St., London, S.W. 1, Eng.

By M A R Y G. G O O D N E R

January — Talks with Old Friends

1. With Paul— About New Life 3. With David—About Praise 2. With Elijah—About Courage 4. With Ruth—About Steadfastness 5. With Stephen—About Faithfulness

The Christian Endeavor topics (or January were not available at the time that it was necessary to prepare these notes (or publication. This circum­ stance, which might have been unfor­ tunate, was made a matter of prayer, and as a result the following studies--- each one capable of limitless possibil­ ity and blessing—are presented for young people and their leaders. JANUARY 1, 1939 PAUL—AND NEW LIFE 2 C orinthians 5:14-17; R omans 6:4-14 Meditation on the Lesson “Behold, all things are become new” (2 Cor. 5:17). A New Year makes us think of “new” things in general, but the Christian rejoices primarily in the ‘‘newness of life” (Rom. 6:4) which is his because of his identification with the risen Saviour. The Apostle Paul exulted in the result of his God-given ministry —> “new” men and women in Christ Jesus: “If any man be in Christ, he is a n ew creature [R.V. margin, ‘There is a new crea tion ’]: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new ." God’s ultimate purpose for this world in­ volves "new” things, for we find in the Book of Revelation, "Behold, I make all th in gs n ew " (Rev. 21:5). This is the sub­ lime truth of the gospel. Christ did not come into the world to patch up an old religion, for Old Testament Judaism was God’s preparation for Christ’s coming. The ulti­ mate purpose of the incarnation was to make new creatures in Christ Jesus. And when He saves us He gives us n ew hearts, and puts a n ew song in our hearts and leads us by a "n ew and living w ay,” even by Himself who is “the way, the truth, and the life.” Then, as we learn from Paul’s mighty Epistles, we have a n ew standing before God— justification, or righteous standing in God’s sight (Rom. 5:1 ); a n ew desire— sanctification, or practical, holy living (Rom. 12), and a n ew hope— glorification, the full redemption of body, soul, and spirit in eternity (Rom. 5:2; 8:21-30). “From glory unto glory! Be this our joyous song, As on the King’s own highway we bravely march along; From glory unto glory! Oh, word of stir­ ring cheer, As dawns the solemn brightness of another glad New Year.”

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“I am an accumulation of broken ends,” said Queen Catherine of Russia as she con­ templated projects she must leave unac­ complished. Job said, “My purposes are broken off.” That is the way life seems to most of us, and we usually realize it all the more keenly as we are closing up the old year and entering upon the new. Take hold in earnest, and life need not be an ac­ cumulation of broken ends. The New Year is a new opportunity to yield to Christ for His indwelling so that you may say, “To me to live is Christ." — S elected . II. S ome N ew T hings G od H as P romised 1- A new birth (John 3:3). 2. A new heart (Ezek. 36:26). 3. A new way (Heb. 10:20). 4. A new song (Psa. 40:3). 5. A renewed spirit and* "the new man” (Eph. 4:23, 24). 6. New mercies (Lam. 3:22, 23). -W . C. F. III. S earching Q uestions New Year suggests many questions: Have we been fools or wise? Have we seized opportunities, "redeeming the time,” or have we missed our chances? Have we learned God’s will? Have our hearts made music? Have we been grateful to God? Have we been humble? “Dear Master, as the old year dieth soon, Take Thou my harp, And prove if any string be out of tune, Or flat or sharp! Correct Thou, Lord, for me What ringeth harsh to Thee, That heart and life may sing, the New Year long, Thy perfect Song." —F ive Thousand B est Illustrations, b y H allock . JANUARY 8, 1939 ELIJAH—AND COURAGE I K ings 18:17-41 Meditation on the Lesson Elijah's conflict with the prophets of Baal is indeed one of the most dramatic scenes in all the Scriptures. How the pulse quick­ ens as we read this story! One lone man who has been a fugitive for three years stands bravely before king, courtiers, and nation. It is sublime faith and consequent courage that he manifests as he comes like a thunderbolt from the desert and chal-


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