King's Business - 1938-10


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

December, 1938

an aged, childless, homeless widow to cling to—had its reward correspondent to the intense love and devotion and disinter­ estedness. That reward, what is it? Behold it first in the favor and then in the plighted troth of Boaz. Behold it in Ruth of Moab as the ancestress of the royal house of Da­ vid. Behold it in Ruth of Moab as the ancestress of Jesus Christ our Lord. Behold it in that Book of Ruth forming a part of inspired Scripture, with its simple, pathetic story—a sacred pastoral poem. The less we put our service of God in the form of bar­ gain and covenant, the more likely are we to fare with special richness at the end. M r J R ankin . It was a costly sacrifice of a rarely gifted life that set the standard of martyrdom in the early Christian church. Stephen, the -first-named of the deacons, was so Spirit- filled and eloquent that the disputers in the synagogue of the Libertines “were not able to resist the wisdom and the spirit by which he spake” (Acts 6:10). When the oppo­ sition climaxed with his arrest and trial before the religious leaders, he gave a mas­ terly summary of God's dealing with Israel through the centuries, and pointed out the repeated unbelief and rebellion of the people. A faithful witness for Christ crucified is always "the savor of death unto death” or “the savor of life unto life” in the hearers as they disobey or obey the gospel. When Peter, on the Day of Pentecost, declared, “God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ” (Acts 2:36), the people “were pricked in their heart, and said . . . what shall we do?” As they responded to the message of repen­ tance for sin, three thousand on that day re­ ceived eternal life in the Lord Jesus Christ. In the incident of our present lesson, Stephen, “full of the Holy Ghost,” faith­ fully proclaimed the same fact that Peter had declared—that his hearers had been “the betrayers and murderers” of "the Just One:” But to these who hardened their hearts, the gospel was the savor of death to their own souls. Though they, like Peter’s audience, were “cut to the heart,” they “gnashed on him with their teeth . . . and stopped their ears . . . and they stoned Stephen.” But out of the hour of Stephen’s appar­ ent defeat came influences that we know must have shaped powerfully the later ministry of the one who “was consenting unto his death”—Saul—the Apostle Paul. Are we willing to be absolutely faithful to God, “whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear”? Helps for the Leader I. O utline on S tephen I. Stephen: His Character (Acts 6:6- 10). 1. Full of faith (Acts 6:5). 2. Full of the Holy Spirit (6:5). JANUARY 29, 1939 STEPHEN— AND FAITHFULNESS A cts 6:8-15; 7:52-60 Meditation on the Lesson

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3. Full of power (6:8). 4. Full of wisdom (6:10).


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