King's Business - 1938-10

December, 1938

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S



JANUARY 1 Building for the New Year

On my lawn is a goat tethered by a rope to a stake. He is not at liberty. Why should I not cut the rope and let him go where and do what he pleases? No, be­ cause if I do, he will gnaw the bark of the young trees, trample down the garden beds, pull up the strawberry plants by the roots. In a word, because he is not able to per­ ceive and be obedient to the invisible law, he must be subjected to a visible and tan­ gible one. But I have a collie dog who has learned obedience and has accepted his right to liberty.— L yman A bbott . Perhaps we count for little in this world. Our very zeal for Him intensifies the dis­ pleasure and the hatred we receive from those who know Him not. We are “cut off,” “cast out,” criticized, and cruelly treated. At times the temptation comes to think that “life is not worth living.” It is a temptation, not a fact. To brood over our insignificance, unimportance, and seeming uselessness is the surest way to make our life a weary and a wasted thing. Beloved, you are “His,” and "His” can never be of no account. You are something to “Him.” “It matters to Him about you.” —B. M c C all B arbour . "Thine handmaid hath n ot a n y thin g in th e house, s a v e a p o t o f oil” (2 Ki. 4:2). He asked her, “What hast thou in the house?” And she said, “Nothing but a pot of oil.” But that pot of oil was adequate for all her wants, if she had only known how to use it . . . The Holy Spirit is limited only by our capacity to receive Him, and when God wants us to have a larger full­ ness, He has to make room for it by cre­ ating greater needs. . . Lord, help me to see Thee in all my trying situations and to make them vessels to hold more of Thy grace.SA . B. S impson . JANUARY 7 Harvest "F or Jordan o v erflo w eth all his banks all th e tim e o f h arvest” (Josh. 3:15). When there was a flood in the river, there was a harvest in the land. Has there been a harvest in your life? A harvest of the fruit of the Spirit—love, joy, peace, long-suffering; a harvest of souls? “No,” do you say, “not much of a harvest, I am afraid," or it may be your heart says “none at all.” Has there been a flood tide in your heart, a filling up from above until the blessed stream had to find an outlet somewhere, and produce a harvest? —S. D. G ordon . JANUARY 5 His Property "Y e are n ot yo u r o w n ; fo r y e w ere b ou ght w ith a p rice” (1 Cor. 6:19, 20, R.V.). JANUARY 6 Vessels of Grace

"W hen thou buitdest a n ew house, then thou shatt make a battlem ent [or th y roof" (Deut. 22:8). Improvements in building are the order of the day. Now let us be equally progres­ sive in the spiritual structures we are rais­ ing . . . Let us dig the foundations deeper, far into the rock of faith, so that they may never be overturned. Let us make them broader with human sympathies . . . Let us build them higher, nearer to heaven, that the sunshine of God’s love and the light of God’s truth may always be in them. —-A mos R. W ells . Let us put the battlement of prayer around the “new house” that each new year represents, building it steadily day by day for our own safety and the protection of those who share our roof.— S elected . JANUARY 2 God’s Possibilities "1 know th y works, and w h ere thou d w ellest, ev e n w h ere Satan’s sea t is: and thou holdest [ast m y nam e, and hast not d en ied m y faith, ev e n in th o se d a ys w herein Antipas w as m y faithful m artyr, w ho w as slain am on g yo u , w h ere Satan dw elleth ” (Rev. 2:13). It is possible to be a Christian anywhere. Pergamos was the place where Satan’s seat was, and yet even in that city there was a Christian church concerning many of whose members the Lord could say that they had held fast to His name, and had not denied His faith. Christianity is not a thing of lo­ cality, but of character. . —W illiam M . T aylor . JANUARY 3 Made Clean "S an ctify them th rou gh th y truth: th y w ord is truth" (John 17:17). When we are fully illuminated, we are cleansed. No one can live in the light of God's truth, or commune with Him con­ tinually, without being purified from the foul things, the mean things, that so often disfigure the life. Then we are made meet to be the dwelling places of God’s infinite­

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ly pure Spirit.SrH. T. C hilvers . 'Tis Thine to cleanse the heart, To sanctify the soul, To pour fresh life on every part. And new create the whole.

Dwell, therefore, in our hearts; Our minds from bondage free; Then shall we know and praise and love The Father, Son, and Thee. —J oseph H art . JANUARY 4 Liberty and Obedience "U se n ot lib erty fo r an o cca sio n to the fles h " (Gal. 5:13).

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