King's Business - 1938-10

December, 1938

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


and affectionate looking on them. Behold­ ing the glory of thy Lord, be transformed into it. . . Dead with Him, and again alive with Him! Oh, happiness and dignity un­ speakable!— L eighton . JANUARY 11 Transforming Grace " And I thank Christ Jesu s ou r Lord, w ho hath en a bled me, fo r that h e co u n ted m e faithful . . . w ho w as b efo re a blasphem er, and a p ersecu tor" (1 Tim. 1:12, 13). God’s grace can take the most unlovely and unlikely material and transform it won- drously. So we pray that in our chaotic, intractable lives that grace may have full scope. Remember it is not a quality infused, but a Person indwelling, and there is there­ fore no limit to His manifested power but that imposed by our own spiritual inertia. Does it seem hard of achievement? Look again at the assurance of God’s Word: “God is able to make all grace abound to­ ward yo u . . . all sufficiency in every thing.” —A lison W eeks . JANUARY 12 At Jesus’ Feet "M ary . . . fell d ow n at his feet, sa yin g unto him, Lord, . . . ” (John 11:32). Death may have desolated our home. In­ stead of going to the grave to weep, let us go with Mary to lay our burden of pain down at Jesus' feet. Our worldly affairs have fallen into confusion; our prosperity has melted "with the snows of yester year.” . . . The condition of our unsaved friends distresses us. Let us do as the father of the tortured child at the foot of the mountain of transfiguration did: he brought him to Jesus.— L ife o f Faith. JANUARY 13 Mountain Vision "Go forth, and stand upon th e m ount be­ fo r e th e Lord” (1 Ki. 19:11). No soul can be healthy without its hill- country, its sacred heights whence come new mornings. . . And the soul must climb its hills even when its circumstances are like a low, monotonous plain. It must climb the mount of the revealed purpose of God. It must take a turn up the slopes of some out­ standing promise. . . Look up and get up where good tidings are bom, and where thou canst see the land that is very far off! ■ n H. JOWETT. JANUARY 14 God’s Way "He led them forth b y th e right w ay" (Psa. 107:7). I am leading My child to the heavenly land, I am guiding him day by day, And I ask him now as I hold his hand To come home by a rugged way. It is not a way he himself would choose, For its beauty he cannot see, But he knows not what his soul would lose If he trod not the path with Me. — S elected . JANUARY 15 Jesus Only "And w h en th ey had lifted up their ey es, th ey sa w no man, s a v e Jesu s o n ly ” (M att 17:8). .

“To a place of great eminence in the field of youth education” In a radio address on Christian Education, Dr. Stewart M. Robinson, pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church of Elizabeth, N. J., and editor of The P resbyterian, paid the following tribute to Stony Brook School:

come strong in scholarship, in athletics, in student leadership, as their gifts direct. But they have, as a rule, a strong and vital Chris­ tian faith which has been a part of their daily training and inter­ ested study throughout their prep school days. “It is not that Stony Brook School has any secret formula or follows any mysterious program of culture. It is a very simple application of well-known facts. The School was founded on the Bible and makes the Divine Sa- viourhood of Jesus Christ para­ mount/’

“Education being chiefly the child of Christian faith, can be geared to sound doctrine and not lose, but rather gain, its educa­ tional quality. “One notable instance is that of the Stony Brook School for boys on Long Island. Although not old in years, but of a respect­ able age, it has rapidly come to a place of great eminence in the field of youth education. It is a secondary school. Its graduates go to all the great universities. They enter all the recognized fields of useful human endeavor. They be­

New students accepted after Christmas .


r / t o n y f f r o o k J c h o o l • ' 11 , P lease m ention K in g’s B usiness P lease m ention K in g’s FRANK E. GAEBELEIN, Litt. D., H eadmaster , Stony Brook, Long Island, N. Y.

JANUARY 8 The Cost of Purity

PLAY SHUFFLE-BOARD! One of the safest and healthiest of sports. A real help—say pastors and church work­ ers—in promoting church social activities. Priced from $6.00 to $25.00 a set. Ring Toss Game $1.00. W rite for free catalog—today! DAYTONA BEACH SHUFFLE-BOARD CO. Philmont, N. Y.

"T h ese a re th ey w hich cam e ou t of grea t tribulation, and h a v e w ash ed their robes, and m ade them w hite in th e b lood o f the Lamb’’ (Rev. 7:14). Heaven is a place of purity. The inhab­ itants are “clothed with white robes.” . . . "Tribulation” is suggestive: it comes from a word which means a flail, and with the flail, you know, the chaff is separated from the wheat. The blood washes white, and never white-washes. It is genuine purity, and day by day, year by year, the process of removing the chaff from the wheat and the dross from the gold continues. —A . C. D ixon . Refining Fire, go through my heart, Illuminate my soul; Scatter Thy life through every part, And sanctify the whole. — S . S tanley . JANUARY 9 Living Stones "And Joshua set up tw e lv e sto n es in the m idst of Jordan" (Josh. 4:9). “I have been crucified with Christ.” Those twelve stones piled in the bed of Jordan where the feet of the priests once firmly stood, “until every thing was fin­ ished,” bear witness to this identification in death; the twelve stones gathered out of the flood and heaped together at Gilgal, speak of our resurrection with Him. That heap was a potential house of God, and it is the Spirit’s blessed work to build each stone into its place, on the “Living Stone.” ■ - W illiam H oste . " T h erefore w e are buried w ith him b y baptism into death: that like as Christ w as raised up from th e dead b y th e g lo r y o f th e Father, ev e n so w e also shou ld walk in n ew n ess o f life’’ (Rom. 6:4). For the mortifying of sin and strength­ ening of thy graces, look daily on Christ’s death and resurrection. Study them; set thine eye upon them, till thine heart take on the impression of them by much spiritual JANUARY 10 Newness of Life

SHOULD JOIN WITH US! A Christian Society for Christian People . . . organized not for profit, but to assist those who have been bereft of loved ones. Death benefits, according to ages, from $350 to $1000. Average cost $8 to $12 per year. Ministers and others write for territory. W 'V W W W W W W W W W 'T W W L. A. P A C I F I C C O L L E G E “ 4 SCHOO LS IN ONE” HIGH SCHOOL JUNIOR COLLEGE BIBLE COLLEGE • • • • • D egrees: A.B., Th.B. A ccreditation I E vangelical j Catalogue . . . II Semester January 30 Write: PRESIDENT BYRON S. LAMSON 5732 Ebey Avenue * Los Angeles, Calif. Bilhorn F o ld in g ORGANS

World Famous for more than 50 years; Sweet tone ¡Aston­ ishing volume; Durable; Inexpensive. TROPICALLY TREATED Write for folder and prices BILHORN BROS. ORGAN CO. 1414 McLean Ave.

Dept. K

Chicago, III.

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