King's Business - 1938-10


December, 1938

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

It is when I have lifted up mine eyes that I am impressed with the solitary majesty of the Son of Man; . . . When my moral view was not lofty, I thought of Him as of other men. . . But when the transfiguration glory touched me, I awoke to His glory—His solitary, unrivaled glory. I saw Him to be the chief among ten thousand, and fairer than the children of men. Moses and Elias faded from the mountain’s brow, and He stood alone in peerless unapproachable splendor; I saw no man there save Jesus only.— G eorge M atheson . JANUARY 16 Forbearing "Be patient tow ard all m en” (1 Thess. 5:14). Endeavor to be patient in bearing with the defects and infirmities of others, of what sort soever they be: for that thyself also hast many failings which must be borne with by others. If thou canst not make thy­ self such an one as thou wouldest, how canst thou expect to have another in all things to thy liking? W e would willingly have others perfect, and yet we amend not our own faults. . . . How seldom we weigh our neighbor in the same balance with our­ selves!— T homas a K empis . “A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump,” and a little bit of tolerated evil will spoil your life, will rob you of blessing, will so paralyze you that you will not be able to serve in the power of God, and will rob others of blessing that God intended them to receive through you. It need not be a great thing; a little is enough to work the havoc. ■ - W . G raham S croggie . JANUARY 18 Christ and the Mourner "I h a v e su rely seen th e affliction o f m y p e o p le . . . I know their sorrow s" (Ex. 3:7). JANUARY 17 Robbed Blessing "C reate in m e a clea n heart, O God; and ren ew a righ t spirit within m e" ( Psa. 51: 10). He feeleth for all thy sorrow, His heart knoweth all thy grief; He yearns to afford thee comfort, To give to His child relief. Look up, though thine eyes be dim, And pour out thy woe to Him! "I once drained the cup of sorrow To save thee from untold ill; My child, wilt thou not then trust Me, Though thou canst not trace My will? Believing that I know best, Come now unto Me and rest.” —C harlotte M urray . JANUARY 19 Living Stones "And y o u rselv es also like livin g ston es b e built up into a spiritual house, as a h o ly p riesth ood to o ffer spiritual sa crifices a c­ cep ta b le to G od th rou gh Jesus Christ" (1 Pet. 2:5, Weymouth). The Christian must be strong but sensi­ tive, stable but sympathetic. He must be

as a stone, but as a living stone, with a heart that throbs with tenderest pity and holy desire for all that are distressed. Like his Master, he must be adamant where prin­ ciple is concerned, yet readily responsive to every appeal of human need, eager to re­ lieve the world’s load of sorrow, suffering, and sin at every opportunity that is offered him.— S elected . "If a n y man thirst, let him com e unto m e and drink. H e that b elieveth on m e, as the scriptu re hath said, from within him shall flo w rivers o f livin g w ater" (John 7:37, 38, R.V.). If this stream of blessing is to rise in your own soul, ripple along your pathway, and cool the lips of others in its flow, then all your springs must be in God. He must JANUARY 20 Spring of Divine Blessing

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