King's Business - 1938-10


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

December, 1938

JANUARY 25 On Eagles’ Wings

“Ye h a v e se en .. . . h ow I bare y o u on ea g les’ w in gs, and brou gh t y o u unto m y­ self” (Ex. 19:4). Day by day, the truth of Jehovah’s words, "I bare you on eagles’ wings,” may become our happy reposeful experience. To be thrust out of the “nest” is not always a pleasant sensation, for it requires courage and faith when no visible foundation is in sight. But the outcome always is to bring us—the Lord’s trusting children—unto Himself. Let us have faith, then, to step out on the promises, so that daily, by faith, we may possess the unrealized power that is for each and all His own. Thus shall the Saviour daily become “more amazing, more admirable, more worshipful” to our won­ dering gaze.— S elected . JANUARY 26 Faith and Works "As y e h a v e th erefo re r e c e iv e d Christ Jesu s th e Lord, s o walk y e in him” (Col. 2:6). The only valid test of religious profes­ sion is its outcome in daily practice. That is our Lord’s own standard. “W hy call ye me, Lord, Lord, and d o not the things which I say unto you?” (cf. Lk. 6:46). And it is the rough and ready test of a censorious world which, however irreligious itself, is quick to mark the inconsistencies of the professedly religious man. W e may well be led to self-examination and prayer. —A lison W eeks . Arm me with jealous care, As in Thy sight to live; And, oh, Thy servant, Lord, prepare A strict account to give! —C harles W esley . JANUARY 27 To the Uttermost “ B ehold, th ere w as a w om an . . . b o w ed to geth er, and cou ld in no w ise lift up her­ self. And w h en Jesu s sa w her, h e ca lled h er to him” (Lk. 13:11, 12). I have been told that this expression, “she was bowed together, and could in no wise lift up herself,” is the same thought which is used in the Epistle to the Hebrews where Jesus is said to be able to save to the utter­ most: so that really the Scriptures mean that she tried to the uttermost to lift her­ self up and failed, and that she had gone to the uttermost in the matter of bondage, and then—because Jesus is able to save to the uttermost—He set her free. -—J. W ilbur C hapman . Jesus always occupies a place from which He can spy out those that are bowed down. —C harles H addon S purgeon . JANUARY 28 The Alchemy of Grace " W hen h e hath tried m e, I shall com e forth as go ld ” (Job 23:10). You cannot wash dross out of gold; it re­ quires the furnace. Geologists tell us that the white Carrara marble was once a black mass, but under the influence of heat and pressure it became liquid and crystallized; in the process of crystallization the black [C ontinued on p a g e 443]

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