King's Business - 1938-10


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

December, 1738

Church and its Legion of Decency, organ­ ized primarily to wage warfare against salacious motion pictures. The circulation of vile magazines Is ac­ centuated by loopholes” in the existing federal statutes. While there are rigorous penalties against sending obscene literature through the mails, the federal government is powerless to deal effectively with the in­ terstate traffic in indecent periodicals, when the mails are not used. Legislation must be enacted in Congress to control the inter­ state shipment of vulgar literature, regard­ less of the means by which it m ay, be transported. Bob Jones College In “an important statement by Dr. Bob Jones, evangelist and founder of the Bob Jones College,” the following announce­ ment is made, which will be of interest to many readers: “The Bob Jones College, Cleveland, Tenn„ is not just a ‘preacher’s college.’ It is also an institution for the training of Christian leaders for the other professions and for the business world. However, one- fourth of our students are young men pre­ paring for the ministry. A rather large per­ centage of these ministerial students feel called to be evangelists and are taking their training with evangelistic work in mind. There have gone out from the college a number of well-trained, sane, consecrated evangelists, who are being greatly used of God in winning the lost to the Lord Jesus Christ. Because of the peculiar ’evangelistic blessing’ which seems to be resting upon the college, and because it is our sincere opinion that the greatest need of the church at this time is a constructive program of sane Bible evangelism, we have felt led to organize in connection with the institution an Ex­ tension Department of Evangelism. . . . If any minister . . . or group is interested in holding a series of evangelistic services; and will write the Department of Evangel­ ism, Bob Jones College, Cleveland, Tenn., we shall be glad to help you in contacting an evangelist who is constructive and brotherly, and one who knows how to ‘rightly divide the word of truth,’ and who, we believe, is definitely called to be an evangelist.” B io la’s W o rld W id e P rayer C ircle Recent developments at the Bible Insti­ tute of Los Angeles have brought much en­ couragement to members of Biola’s World Wide Prayer Circle. These friends rejoice that the Lord not only has delivered the In­ stitute from the major portion of its debt but is also blessing in burdening hearts of young people for lost souls. Miss Christina J. Braskamp, Secretary of the Prayer Circle, tells of a friend who is Superintendent of a large hospital in an Eastern city, who writes: “I rejoice to pray and give to Biola, since I have heard that your women stu­ dents do evangelistic work in the hospitals by giving to the patients a flower with a verse of Scripture attached to it. His Word only can comfort the sick.” Persons who wish to share in the work of the Prayer Circle may choose a stated weekly hour for prayer and may write to Miss Braskamp at 558 S. Hope St„ Los Angeles, Calif.

Impossible! you say. But perhaps the Bible is already on the way to banishment in your Sunday School! Are your boys and girls taught the Bible, or referred to history or the newspapers? Are your boys and girls studying and mastering the Bible, or is this world mastering them? Answer truly—Are you banishing the Bible, entirely or in part, from your Sunday School?

G -tv o jc le c L S & v L e s Of Sund ay School Lessons —C larence H. Benson, Editor Answers the rising need for whole-Bible teaching and Bible-transformed lives. Written by experts in each Teacher3TrainSg? * COmplete system AH-Bible lessons graded bydepartments from Beginners through ^ S o u l W i n n i n g P o p u l a r i t y /H h S E S I Boys and girls, men andwomen are beingwon forChrist in the only way—the Bible way. Everywhere schools using the All Bible Graded Series render willing testi­ monyto increased interest, attendance, and Bible study. ">V v / Test and adopt these lessons. Send for free sample J cop*«« of previous quarters. If current manuals are iwSHMMBWW™ / wanted, regular price applies: Pupil’s 10c; Teacher’s, 25c each department. Mail coupon today. You will be surprised and delighted with the inexhaustible riches of Bible truths as presented by this series. T H E S C R I P T U R E P R E S S 8 0 0 N . C lark S t. D ept. K .B . Chicago, III. , , - - V c fc «K r \ W ■v [ T H E S C R IP TU R E P R E S S , 8 0 0 N . C LA R K S T ., C H IC A G O , IL L . Dept.K R Gentlemen: Please send me FREE samples of All Bible Graded Series of Sunday School Lessons for Denarr. ment(s) checked below. Also new edition of Compendium of 780 Lessons. I enclose 10c toward postage. ------ ------■—— w.w. st-uviust iui. tuwaiu postage. □ Beginners’ □ Primary □ Junior' □ Intermed. □ se n io r □ Teacher Training _Addr _Pastor_ THE IDEAL 6IFT AT ALL TIMES Church_

Name Chi

G O D ’ S M I N U T E . . . Here is a marvelous collection of 365 Daily Prayers, each 60 seconds long, written by 365 of the most emi­ nent preachers and laymen in the world. Cloth, 60 cents; Limp Leatherette, $1.00; Art Leather, $1.50. G O D ’ S M E S S A G E . . 365 prominent clergymen have chosen their favorite Scripture passage, and, with this as a text, have written a Message that quickens faith, brings comfort. Cloth, 60 cents; Limp Leatherette, $1.00; Art Leather, $1.50. For Sale By THE KING’S BUSINESS, 558 S. Hope St.. Los

A S p i r i t u a l t h o u g h t f o r e v e r y d a y

A d a i l y r e m i n d e r o f t h e g i v e r


V IEW S AND REV IEW S [C ontinued from p a g e 436]

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moral paganism, would long resist the lure of “easy money” held out by the gambling fraternity. The impending scandal would seem to be the inevitable fruitage of a god­ less system of education which tears down respect for the Ten Commandments and the moral laws of God, while pretending to “ed­ ucate" the youth of today. CRUSADE AGAINST INDECENT LIT­ ERATURE: The revelation by the police of several cities that indecent periodical lit­ erature, sold at certain news stands, is responsible for stimulating crimes of degen­ eracy, has spurred a new drive against the publishing and purveying of obscenity. In many parts of the country, a crusade against news-stand indecency” has already brought results. The campaign, in many sections, has been advanced by the Catholic



• DR. WM. L. PET- TINGILL, na tio n a lly known Bible teacher, will be available for Conferences (one week or longer) from Febru­ ary 5 to April 30,1939. For appointments and

terms write immediately to . . . ALAN S. PEARCE 1925 E. 5th St. ::

Long Beach, Calif.

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