Sail Magazine 2020 [Eng]

So far you have helped over 200,000 women through STER. What are your ambitions for the charity ? Yes, STER has reached over 200,000 people with information and about 350 women, girls and boys with direct service. As an organisation, we look forward to a day where sexual and gender-based violence becomes a part of our history, rather than a part of our everyday lives. Currently, we hope to expand our services across the different states in Nigeria to enable us to reach more people and pilot innovative programs that have been developed for the years 2020 – 2025. This will require funding. In the long run, our ambition is to morph into a global advocacy organisation, leading policy advocacy initiatives and advising governments in sexual and gender-based violence prevention and response programming.

What would you say to anyone considering Swansea as a destination for study ?

If you are considering Swansea University for your Undergraduate, Postgraduate or PhD degrees, then I can tell you are making a good decision in life. The academic institution is super affordable, the teaching technique is great, and you get an invaluable academic experience tailored for your career growth. As an alumna of the institution, I can authoritatively tell you that the relationship also does not end within the four walls of Swansea University. There is an intentional act to continue to support you post your academic studies, just like I have been. Isn’t that a good reason to study at Swansea ?


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