Sail Magazine 2020 [Eng]

SWANSEA UNI Connect For those of you that have not registered, Swansea Uni Connect is your exclusive online community. As a valued member, we invite you to join today and start enjoying the benefit of a wide and varied network of contacts who all share the Swansea Uni experience! It takes two minutes to sign up by registering through LinkedIn and having your professional information pulled right into your profile on the platform. Alternatively, you can follow easy steps to set up your profile in Connect.

The benefits of signing up are: 1. A custom news and job feed. 2. Opportunities to mentor and give back, or to get help, advice and assistance that you may need. 3. Scheduling meetings with professionals in your industry for networking, advice, mentoring and more. 4. Finding old friends and classmates. Swansea Uni Connect gives you an exclusive spot to stay connected with your Swansea Uni network and keep up to date with what is going on at the University.

Editors: Rachel Thomas, Gerard Kennedy, Ffion White & Sioned Williams. Design by :


Download the App: Android: “Swansea Uni Connect” Apple:  “Graduway Community” – enter

05. Reunion 06-24. Alumni Profiles

“Swansea University” when prompted


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