العدد 12 من مجلة لباب

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. للتوسع، " حاجزًا أمام معارفنا عندما نحاول فحصه وإثباته، فنخلط بين الحمل واللباس الذي يلفه راجع: Levinson, McLuhan Digital, 26. (8) Ibid, 26. (9) Patrick Roy, “Le "retour" de Marshall McLuhan: ré-explication et positionnement de sa "théorie"” (Mémoire de maîtrise ès arts (M.A.) à la Faculté des études supérieures de l’université Laval, Canada, 1999). (10) Levinson, McLuhan Digital, 2. (11) Gordon , Mcluhan: A Guide for the Perplexed, 153. ) نقً عن: 12 ( Liss Jeffrey, “The Heat and the Light: Towards a Reassessment of the Contribution of H. Marshall McLuhan,” Canadian Journal of communication, Vol. 14, no. 4, (1989), “accessed June 1, 2021”. https://bit.ly/3izCNnY. (13) Roy, “Le "retour" de Marshall McLuhan: ré-explication et positionnement de sa "Théorie"”, op, cit. مارشال " ) ربما لهذا الســبب بادر كل من ســتيفاني ماكلوهان وديفيد ســتنس بإصدار كتاب: 14 ( ، انظر: " كيف نفهم وسائل الإعلام؟ " . وهو عنوان يحاكي كتاب ماكلوهان: " ماكلوهان، افهموني Stephanie McLuhan & David Staines, Marshal McLuhan: Understanding Me, Lectures and Interviews (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 2003), 344. ) انظر: 15 ( Robert Macmillan, “Marshall McLuhan at the Mercy of his Commentators,” Philosophy of the Social Sciences, vol. 22, no. 4, December, (1992): 483. (16) Bernhard J. Dotzler, “Cambridge was a Shock: Comparing Media from a Literary Media from a Literary Critic’s Point of View,” in Carmen Birkle et al., McLuhan’s Global Village Today (UK: Pickering & Chatto, 2014), 86. (17) Mark A. McCutcheon, “Dubjection: A Node (Reflections on web- conferencing, McLuhan and intellectual Property),” in Carmen Birkle et al., McLuhan’s Global Village Today, 66.

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