
Real Estate Journal — Healthcare/Medical Office — November 23 - December 13, 2018 — 21A


M id A tlantic

H ealthcare /M edical O ffice Simone Healthcare Development

Montefiore Hutchinson Center raises the bar for efficiency and innovation in healthcare

y delivering the most advanced customized and strategic real estate solutions to today’s consumer- driven healthcare industry, Simone Healthcare Develop- ment is recognized as the pre- mier developer of medical offices and ambulatory care facilities for New York, Connecticut and New Jersey’s leading healthcare providers. Of Simone Development Com- panies’ 6 million s/f portfolio, Simone Healthcare Develop- ment owns and operates more than 2 million s/f of healthcare real estate leased to an impres- sive roster of healthcare leaders including Montefiore Medi- cal Center, ColumbiaDoctors, Mount Sinai Health System, Northwell Health, Westmed Medical Group, ENT & Allergy Associates, and St. John’s Riv- erside Hospital. Simone Healthcare Develop- ment’s entry into the healthcare field began with the develop- ment of the Hutchinson Metro Center, a 1.9 million s/f premier medical office complex in the Bronx. Located directly off the Hutchinson River Parkway, the 42-acre complex is less than a mile from four major hospitals – Montefiore Medical Center, Jacoby Hospital, Calvary Hospi- tal and Albert Einstein Medical Center. Today, the Hutchinson Metro Center is home to more than 40 medical practices and healthcare institutions. S imone De v e l o pmen t ’ s growth in the healthcare real estate field coincides with the major changes under way in how healthcare services are being delivered today and in the future. The industry’s age- old model of the community hospital is giving way to a focus on bringing healthcare directly to the community through ambulatory services and spe- cialty care facilities. Healthcare providers are now being chal- lenged to provide a full range of services under one roof in a convenient and patient friendly environment. Nowhere is this more evi- dent than in the 280,000 s/f Ambulatory Care Center that Simone Healthcare Develop- ment created for Montefiore Health System at the Hutchin- son Metro Center. The first “bedless hospital” in the New York Metropolitan region, the building is designed to provide a healing environment and offer patients an array of services in a central location including pri- mary and specialty care visits, B

diagnostic imaging and surgery. The 12-story tower includes 12 operating rooms, 4 procedure rooms and 64 pre-operative and post-operative bays, an advanced imaging center, onsite laboratory services and phar- macy, as well as new primary and specialty care practices. It is one of the largest and most technologically advanced am- bulatory surgery centers in the Northeast. Simone Healthcare Develop- ment’s priority is to develop a collaborative and transpar- ent partnership that delivers the financial, operational and patient-centered objectives

clients demand. The key to Simone’s success is the com- pany’s ability to provide full service development including site selection, project design, financing, specialized techno- logical expertise, construction management and property management once the project is completed. “Healthcare ex- ecutives are in the business of healthcare, not real estate. By partnering with us, they can strategically focus their resources on growing their ambulatory footprint by invest- ing in programs, people and new technology,” states Joseph Simone, president of Simone

Development Companies. “To- day’s healthcare environment is rapidly changing. With our deep understanding of the healthcare industry and track record of suc- cess in developing healthcare facilities for hospital systems and multi-specialty practices in the New York Metropolitan region through our technical ability and financial strength, we are ideally positioned to be a major player in one of the fastest growing sectors of our economy. Simone Healthcare Develop- ment possesses the knowledge to develop projects of high quality with best price and on-schedule outcomes,” he adds. 

Montefiore Ambulatory Care Center at the Hutchinson Metro Center in the Bronx.



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