2023 Investment Integration Overview


RPIA Investment Integration Overview

Background As global fixed income experts and stewards of our investors’ capital, we believe Environmental, Social, and Governance (“ESG”) factors can materially impact the risk and return profile of the corporate fixed-income securities in which we invest. Understanding these factors supports our primary fundamental and credit analysis to help us manage downside risk and present new opportunities to create value for investors. This overview aims to demonstrate how we consider ESG factors from an investment integration perspective.

9B+ Assets Under Management

$526M ESG-Focused Assets 1

UN PRI Signatory Since 2018

Founded in 2009

Our Investment Process

We apply a disciplined, repeatable four-step investment process to evaluate and execute investment opportunities:

Identify Top-Down Investment Themes

Fundamental Analysis

Security Selection

Size and Execute Position

The Investment Committee identifies macro opportunities to focus our research efforts.

The Reseach Team supplements financial analysis with ESG analysis to determine what we believe to be the most compelling issuer(s).

The Execution Team sizes the investment based on conviction level, liquidity considerations, and existing portfolio exposures.

We utilize proprietary technology and

expertise to select the optimal security within an issuer’s capital structure.

Continuous Engagement from the Risk Management Team & Oversight Through the Risk Committee

1 Assets invested in private pooled strategies with a fossil fuel exclusion mandate, namely, RP Broad Corporate Bond (Fossil Fuel Exclusion) and RP Broad Corporate Bond (BBB, Fossil Fuel Exclusion).

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