so tuut di enntthteo sct ou nd tei nn tu’ se ItEo Pp. aArltsi oc i, paast teuidne tnhtewgiel lnreercael ievde u, ac sa tai op np rcoupr rr ii ac tuel ,uamf uanncdt ipornoagl rbees hs at vo iwo ra ar ld ams seeestsi mn ge tnht ea gn oda l s s e t bdeohesavniootrarel cinutre.rvention services and modifications, which are designed to address the behavior violation so that it Isft ua dset un dt ’ es nmt iesxccoeneddusc1t 0i s dcaayuss iend sbuyc ht hae pdliascaebmi l iet ny t. ,Tahni sI EI EPPt et ea ammmme ee et itni ng gmmu us ts tb tea hk ee l pd l taoc ed ei mt emr me di ni aet we l yh ,eitfhpeor stshi eb l e , o r within 10 days of the school district’s decision to take this type of disciplinary action. WHAT HAPPENS IF THE IEP TEAM DETERMINES THAT THE MISCONDUCT IS NOT CAUSED BY THE DISABILITY? Imf at hyet aI Ek Pe dt ei sacmi pcl ionnacrlyu da ec tsi ot hna, ts ut hc eh ma si secxopnudl suicotnw, ians tnhoe t saa mm ea nmi faens nt aetri oans oi tf wt hoeusl dt ufdoer nat ’sst ud di seanbti lwi t iyt,htohuet sac hdoi soal bdi il isttyr .i c t (20 USC Section 1415[k][1] and [7]; 34 CFR Section 300.530) Re de ug ca ar dt i loens as l osfettht iensgest mt i nugs tt ha el l os cwh tohoel ds ti us tdrei cntt mt ou cs ot nc ot inntui ne ut oe tpoa rptri oc ivpi da tee Fi An Pt hE ef og re ny eo ruarl sctuurdrei cnut l. uAml t earnnda tei nv se u r e continuation of services and modifications detailed in the IEP. (34 CFR Section 300.530; EC Section 48915.5[b]) AfotrtNheewbeLgai nwnsi nogn oDfiescaicphlisnceh”odoal tyeedaAr,upgrui nstci1p9a,l2s 0w2i1ll, rienvtiheewfothlleowi nifnogrmlinakti.on from CDE reg ardi ng “ State Gui danc e STUDENT ATTENDENCE REVIEW BOARD (SARB) PElnegaasgeermefeenrttbortahnecShA. RB brochures created by the Children Deserve Success in the SBCSS Innovation and SARB Eng.pdf SARB Span.pdf Ep raicnhc idpi as tl rwi citl locpoenrtaatcetstthheedi ri sotwr i nc t SoAf Rr eBsbi doeanrcde. tWo hbeeng itnhtehneeperdo ac er issse. s t o r e f e r a s t u d e n t t o S A R B t h e s u p e r v i s i n g SECTION 504 PLANS tSoe cptri oo nh i 5b 0i t4doi sf ctrhi emRi neahtai ob ni l ibt aa tsieodn oAnc td, iassa bwi el i ltlyaisn Tpi rt loegIrIaomf st haen Ad ma cetri vi ci at ine sD, ipsua bb li il ci t iaensdApcrt i (vAa Dt eA. )U, anrl iek Ce i tvhi le RI ni gdhi tvsi dl auwa lss wi n idt ihv Di dius aa bl si lai tt i ae sn yE da guec aatri eo np rAoctte(cItDe dE Au)n, dS ee rc ttihoens 5e 0l a4wasn. dP lTeiat sl ee IsI eaer eS tnuodtelni mt Si teerdv itcoe se dNuoctaetbi oo no akl foorrg5a0n4i z Pa trioocness sa nCdh a r t . IDENTIFICATION AND EDUCATION UNDER SECTION 504- SBCSS POLICY 5148 Students are identified as requiring a 504 plan if they meet all the following requirements: 1. 3 2 . . HT ha es ai mpphayisrimc aelnotri nmheinbti tasl ai mmpaajiorrmlei fneta(cotri vpi teyr c e i v e d i m p a i r m e n t ) Accommodations are needed in the educational setting
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