Student Services Handbook

EP oa cl ihc ide isvai sni do nP/rdoec pe da rutrme se. nNt owri el lcmo radi ns twa ii nl l , bs et odr ee s, tarnody edde swt ri tohyoiut st rperci oo rr dnso ct iof incsaitsitoenn tb we i int gh gs itvaet en st toa tt hu et eCs uasnt do dSiBa nC SoSf Records of the division/department and without approval from the Organizational Custodian of Records. DT he ep ai nr tvme ne tnot rsyt aofff sb oa xr ec roenqt ue ni rtes dmt ou smt ba ienst au ibnmaint t iendv et on tt oh reyDoi fv bi soi ox ncaolnCt ue ns tt os daina dn tohf eRwe caor redhso fuosre ai ns syubeodxbe os xt hnautma rbee rt o. be destroyed. Class 2 Optional Records A2 n( Oy pr et icoonradl )wf oo rr tohnyeoyf et ae mr fpool lroawr yi npgr tehsee rdvaattei osne ,nbt ut ot naor ct hc il va es ss i af ine dd sahs aCl ll abses r1e (vPi eewr me da naennntu) a, ml l ya yu nbtei l ciltaisss ri fei ce lda sassi fCi el ads sa s Ct hl ae sisd 3e n(tDi fiisepdods aa bt el eb) u. Bt owxi el lsbaensde lni st ttso sthhoeudl de ps apretcmi f eyntthfaotrt ha ef urteucroer dd se satrreu Cc tl iaosns d2 aatne dt ot hbeer ea fsos ri genwe di l .l b e d e s t r o y e d o n Class 3 Disposable Records AT hl l erseec oi nr cdlsu dn eo ,t bcul at sasri fei endo ta sl i mC l iatsesd 1t o( ,Pdeer tma ial nreenc ot )r od rs ar es lCa lt ai ns gs 2t o(: O( 1p )t i roencaol r) ds sh ablal sbi ce tcol aasus idf ii te, di nacsl uCdl ai ns sg 3t h(oDsies pr oe lsaatbi nl eg) . tl eodagtet er ns dh ae ne tcse, , caavnecrealgl eeddcahi leyc aktst ea nndd asnt cueb, so, rs tbuudsei nn et sbso odry fai nnadnccai af el tter raina sfaucnt di o rnesc(oprudrsc, he at cs.e) , oarndde rdse, tianivl or ei cceosr, dws aursreadn ti sn, pS er ec tpi ao rni n4g3 2a ni so trheet ar irneepdo irnt . oTtehaecrhreercso’ rr de sg ios rt ei rf st ,hief aGl el ni nefroarl mR ae tcioorndrsepqaugi er es da rbey rtehme oC voedde for fo Rme gt huel artei og ni sst, eTr i at lned5 , calnadssiinfisetdruacstiColnass.s 1 (Permanent); and (2) Periodic reports, including daily, weekly, and monthly reports, bulletins, Retention Period Ca ul adsist 3r e(qDui isrpeods ba yb lEe d) ur ec ca ot irodns Cs oh da lel §n 4o 1t 0b 2e 0d eo sr t ar no yy el de guanl ltyi l raefqt euri rtehde at hu idridt ; Jourl ya 1f t es ru ct hc ee eedni dn ign: gt hdea tceo mo f pal ne tyi or ne t oe fn tt hi oen period required by any agency other than the State of California, whichever date is later. A continuing record shall not be destroyed until the fourth year after it has been classified as Class 3 (Disposable). AthlleoytohreirgiCnlaatsesd3. (Disposable) records shall be destroyed during the third school year after the school year in which Records Destruction Procedures Iwni tShe pd teesmt rbuec rt i oo fn eoarc hr eyvei ea wr , Wd aat reeshdouursi en gs ttahf ef wp ri li lo frofri ws caarl dy ea a“rRfeocroar ldl sd Di vei ss itor un cs /t idoenp” amr temmeon (t sE xohf iSbBi tC DS S) ltios ttihneg a l l b o x e s ODregsat rnui cztaitoi onnma leCmuosstotod ieaancohf dRi ve ci soirodns/. dTehpeaOr trmg aennitzCautisotnoadli aCnu sotfoRdei acno rodfsR. ec o r ds w i l l di s s em i na t e t h es e Re c o r ds WR eict ho ri nd st hsihr at yl l (r3e0v )i edwa yt sh eo fi nr feocremi pat toi of nt hwe i Rt he cdoerpdasr tDme se tnrtuscttai of fn, mmoedmi foy, de ea sc thr ud ci vt ii os ino nd /a dt eespaasr tamp epnr ot pCrui sattoe d, si ai gnnotfh e fRoercmo ,r ds es c. uF roer tehaec hs i bg no xa ttuhraet oi sf tt oh eb de idv ei ssitorno/yde edpaanr ti mn veennt tho er ya do, f abnodx rceot nu trenntths emf oursmt bteo kt ehpe tOorng af inl ei zbayt i ot hnea l C u s t o d i a n o f division/department Custodian of Records and a copy forwarded to the Organizational Custodian of Records.

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Revision 5/15/2023

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