NSLHD News 8 December 2023

Dr Simon Willcox, Dr Liz Marles, Dr Penny Browne and Hornsby Hospital General Manager Simon Hill

Hornsby-Brooklyn GP Unit celebrates 50 years The Hornsby-Brooklyn GP Unit celebrated its 50th anniversary recently with former and current doctors joining patients and industry dignitaries to celebrate the milestone. The unit is unique in that it has a long history, both national and international, as a centre of excellence in teaching medical students, junior doctors (Resident Medical Officers from Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital) and GP registrar doctors training in general practice. Multicultural Health Communication Award win A NSLHD team has won the Transforming Patient Experience Award at the 2023 NSW Multicultural Health Communication Awards. The team, made up of innovation and strategy manager Heidi Roland Kenn, senior dietitian Jessica Ly and Senior Speech pathologist Jessica Tam, was recognised for their work in providing culturally relevant information for CALD Head and Neck and Gastrointestinal Cancer Patients. Through a co-design process, a head and neck cancer patient who is also a chef worked with a dietician to develop a cookery book for the Korean, Cantonese and Mandarin community. The team also worked on nutritional and swallowing resources. Heidi said head and neck cancer and upper gastrointestinal cancer can be devastating and lifelong as they can impact a person’s ability to speak and swallow, which affects nutrition and hydration. “Having translated and culturally appropriate resources is really significant,” she said.

Heidi Roland Kenn and Jessica Tam accepting their Multicultural Health Communication Award



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