CCI Magazine_Vol1_Issue2_April/May_2024

guest editor’s note Rocking the Boat Ty Francis Guest Editor, chief advisory officer, LRN W

elcome to the second edition of CCI Magazine. It’s a thrill to be able to guest edit this issue, and I sincerely hope you enjoy reading it as much as I’ve enjoyed guiding this coverage.

Channeling my teenage years of the 1980s, I asked if this month’s issue could be blended with an ’80s music theme but was told it had to be about compliance and ethics, which I guess is fair. But you could say that today’s compliance officer, much like The Reflex, can be a lonely child, waiting by the park, and also like The Reflex, compliance and ethics officers are in charge of finding treasure in the dark. The treasure we speak of is in the form of data and analytics. It’s becoming more prevalent and crucial to everything we do, with many saying it’s the new gold. I don’t think I’ve had a conversation over the past year, whether it be about sanctions, AI, third-party due diligence, training or culture measurement, without being drawn into a deep-diving conversation about what data and analytics can do to improve the way we approach compliance effectiveness. And let us not forget, the DOJ’s revised guidance emphasizes using compliance metrics and data to verify the effectiveness of a compliance program. And this month’s issue certainly covers the topic: global trends in ethics and compliance programs, including how they’re increasingly about risk; the top 10 most eye-watering fines for FCPA violations; why a compliance and ethics program should be a necessity for startups; and so much more. It’s all you ever wanted, and all you ever needed, and it’s here in this issue. — Ty Francis

8 | April/May 2024

Guest editor's welcome

CCI Magazine

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