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Students can see themselves reflected in the curriculum, and the content and context are relevant to our school communities .

It demonstrates respect for students' cultures, languages, and lived experiences and ensures that ALL students have access to multiple tiers of support and acceleration. Students can see themselves reflected in the curriculum, and the content and context are relevant to our school communities. The curriculum is balanced across discipline standards and includes social-emotional learning integration. We provide resources to integrate social-emotional learning with academics and have aligned our grading system with monitoring learner profile characteristics. Because the curriculum is guaranteed, every student has access, and there is cohesion and consistency across the district. We make learning and teaching decisions by connecting with staff and evaluating the effectiveness of implementing priorities with quality data. Professional development for curriculum implementation is collaborative, equity-driven, data-driven, and student-centered and it embraces Universal Design for Learning. It empowers educators to design effective learning as it is responsive to different teaching and learning styles.

We build cohesion and support our students and families by providing consistency with grading platforms and learning management systems, including standards-based learning and grading.

22 / I Am Vision for 2030

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