Our professional learning supports multilingual learning and students with disabilities. We include student voice and data as feedback and as part of our ongoing efforts to improve our practices. Professional learning is not only focused on “what” to teach but engages staff in “how” to teach in culturally responsive and sustaining ways as well as “why” we need to do so as we prioritize social justice, diversity, and inclusion. Measurable data shows that training and professional learning positively impact student learning and well-being across all student groups. San Diego Unified is committed to ensuring all staff and students get the support and resources needed to thrive and succeed. Measurable data shows that training and professional learning positively impact student learning .
Jazlyn’s Identity Jazlyn Juarez Salgado Second Grade Balboa Elementary
Self Awareness Lydia Schiff Twelfth Grade Scripps Ranch High
I Will Be Strong Kalel
First Grade Chesterton Elementary
Love Grows Bettye Wood Second Grade - Sequoia Elementary
28 / I Am Vision for 2030
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