Test for Print Version

Not a stick, I’m a pencil Roy Ronoh Transitional Kindergarten - Zamorano Fine Arts Academy

The Vision for 2030 Team (student interns and project leads) began work by studying data that had already been collected in 2019-20 when we first began considering the creation of Vision for 2030, as well as survey results from the superintendent search process led by National Center for Education Evaluation. After a few months of discovering, learning, and planning, our student interns led community input sessions, workshops, and feedback sessions from June 2022 through April 2023 in order to gather input from students, staff, family members, and the community. Student intern community engagement efforts resulted in 22 community engagement sessions and the vision includes input from over 2,000 students, families, certificated staff, classified staff, site staff, central office staff, advisory groups, and community members. Once a robust data set was gathered, the Learner Profile, Educator Profile, and System Profile characteristics were constructed from the attribute data that was collected from the input sessions and surveys. Input from the community, including district staff, students, and families representing all clusters revealed the characteristics that are most important to our community. After analyzing the data, student interns held six workshops

Input from the community , including district staff, students, and families revealed the characteristics that are most important to our community. to engage the community in co-developing the meaning and relevance around the data as they defined the Learner, Educator, and System Profiles for the Vision. Following the workshops, the Vision for 2030 Team, alongside the lead faculty advisors, analyzed the input and constructed definitions for each profile characteristic from the workshop data. The team then brought the definitions back to the community for feedback to ensure we captured community input accurately. The Vision for 2030 Team then made adjustments according to the community feedback and created I Am Vision for 2030 .

2 / I Am Vision for 2030

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