October, 1944
FREE i f you order NOW
Shining Secret by Helen Frazee-Bower
32 Pages Illustrated Cover in Colors
Last year, Mrs. Bower’s Christmas gift book exhausted two editions, and SHINING SECRET will be even more popular. Vet because of the paper shortage, a limited number will be printed. Get your order in TODAY, for delivery November 1, in time for Christmas. If you wish, subscriptions will be entered as Christmas gifts, b e g i n n i n g with the Christmas number or thé Janüary 1945 is- sue. Gift cards will be sent in four name if you request them.
SHINING SECRET is an exceptional gift book, suited to adults and children. It fur nishes a delightful Christmas story and poems, with heart-warming selections about Easter and mothers. It exalts Christ. This beautiful book is offered FREE with one annual subscription to THE KING’S BUSINESS (new, renewal or extension) at the regular rate, $1.50 In U. S.* Price of the book alone is 35 cents; 3 for $1.00. Orders accompanied by subscriptions will be given preference.
THE KING’S BUSINESS, 558 So. Hope Street, Los Angeles 13, Calif. Enclosed find $ . ......... . .f o r ........... annual subscriptions at $1.50 a year. Send THE KING’S BUSINESS to: Name ................... Strejt. .................... City....... 1 1................................................. State.. . . . . ....... Renewal........................ Begin (m o .).:............ Name....................................................Street:'.... . . . . . . . . . . . . City............................................................. S ta te .............. Renewal........................ Begin (mo.)....................... Send FREE COPY of the book SHINING SECRET, to! Name,. ...................................S treet. ........................... ...... City .................... ................................ State............. . •. • Sender's Name.................................. street... . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . City.’. ....................................... .................. state............................. If Christmas gift cards are desired, indicate CLEARLY to whom they are to be. sent, and by whom. Cards will be mailed In December. •Add 25 cents for each Canadian and foreign subscription.
I. ABOUT CHRISTMAS Story: Shining Secret
(etpeciefly lor children)- 3 Poem: Watching .................. 14 Poem: Christmas W ish ........14 Pantomime: Gold Star at Easter 18 Poem: Glad Surprise ...........2 6
Letter: To My Soldier Son....27 Poem: A Mother’s Prayer......31
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