King's Business - 1944-10

October, 1944

^.ondon. But whether it was the most wise or not can be easily determined, and the incident is demonstration that some, at least, who have a great abundance of material possessions, are not good stewards of God’s gifts. —The Bottles of Heaven, by Revilo.

Object Lesson F in d in g t h e F a it h f u l


OBJECTS: Three pieces of card­ board about five inches square, three safety razor blades, a cardboard tube such as is used for mailing certifi­ cates, and” a compass. (Conceal the compass in the tube near one end. Paste two safety' razor blades near the edges of one of the pieces of card­ board. Paste one razor blade near the center of another card; and leave the third without a blade. Cover the card­ boards with paper. On the front of the first makè a number “10,” oh the sec­ ond a “5,” and/on the third a “1.”) LESSON: In looking at t h e s e squares with numbers on them, I am reminded of Christ’s parable of the pounds recorded in Luke 19. When thè nobleman returned, he found that one had so invested the pound that it had gained ten pounds; another- had gained five pounds; while .the third had hidden his pound and had gained nothing. -•We understand that the nobleman, represented Christ, and that this par­ able was intended to teach us that there will be a day of reckoning when the Lord returns to earth. Many peo­ ple have wondered how Christ will, know who are the faithful and who are the false. If three boys will come to the platform, we will show you how easily the false can be separated from .the faithful. Each of you boys put one of the squares underneath the left side of your coat back is turned. Now if you are ready, I will look in this tube, and tell you which'one has the square with 1, 5, and ¿0, [Put the end of the tube con­ taining the compass in the are's where the square is hidden. When it comes near the razor blade, the compass needle will be attracted. If when you move to the right or left this happens again, it will indicate the one with the number 10. If it is attracted only oncé, it will indicate that you have found the one with the number 5. If there is no attraction, you have found the ohe with the number 1.] Bill, you have the number 10. James, your card has the number 1 on it, and Walter, your’s is 5. If I, with the aid of/a tube, can tell which of you have the different numbers, do you not think it will be easy for Christ, when He comes, to tell who has been faith­ ful to Him? . »

A Poor Rich Man L u k e 12 :J 3-34

MEMORY VERSE: “What goodness the Lord shall do Unto us, the same will we do unto thee” (Num. 10:32). AIM: To show that it never- pays to be selfish.

APPROAOH: shared, some

When a treat is to be boys and girls will shout: “How much am I going to get? I want my share.” And once, when the _____ Lord Jesus w a s l H 9 i here on earth, there

The Rev. Jacob Peltz, Ph.B., B.D. Our colleague in Sweden writes: “Since my last letter, the situation In Hungary and Rumania has devel­ oped very badly.. About 200,000 Hun­ garian Jews are being taken into con- . centration camps or being deported. In Rumania several thousand formerly deported Jews have returned in most terrible conditions, some of them ab­ solutely naked. We immediately sent them $6,000.00 as a first relief. Our missionaries are still at work but in great danger. May God keep and protect them.'*' This is only an inkling of the ter­ rific suffering of Jews in Europe. How grateful we are to God that He has enabled us to rescue so many of the victim s of Nazi cruelty. Funds' are needed urgently to continue our work and prepare for the greater op­ portunities as soon as Europe is lib­ erated from the Nazi yoke. We im ­ plore Christians to help us 'now be­ fore it is too late. Even a small gift will enable us to nourish refugees and continue, our blessed Hebrew *Chris­ tian testimony amongst Christ’s suf­ fering brethren. NOTE: Free booklet, 4,The Present Day Attempt to Destroy the Jews” or 4iThe British White P a p e'r and Palestine” gladly sent on request. The International Hebrew Christian Alliance Rev. Jacob Peltz, Ph.B.f B.D., Secretary Dept. KB-104 4919 N. Albany Ave.r Chicago 25f III. Canada: 91 Bellevue Aye.r Toronto, Ont. Gentlemen: Please send me FREE Booklets of­ fered above (sent gladly to all inter­ ested whether contributors or not). ; □ I shall pray for your work among refugees and Jewish Christians. □ I enclose $ aid this work.

f t ' 5 ,

was a man who acted like that. The Bible does not tell his name, but this man' wanted to be


sure that he received as. much as his brother did. Imagine his being selfish toward his own brother! Jesus must have been sorry that the man felt that way. To help him see how wrong it is to be greedy, He told a story. This is the story, or parable, that Jesus told. LESSON STORY: T h e r e w a s *a farmer who was very rich. His land was so good that everything he plant­ ed in it grew and grew. When harvest time came, the rich man had so much grain and fruit that there was no .place to put it all. He did not look for some poor, hungry person to help. No, he thought only of himself, and he said, “I will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there will I bestow, all my fruits and my goods” (v. 18). He did not even think of the heavenly Father who had given him everything that he had. The rich man said to himself something like this: “I have everything I need for many years.. I will keep it all to myself, and for days and days I will rest and eat and drink and have fun.” But that night he died, he could not take any of his things with him; so, really, he was poor. When the Lord Jesus finished tell­ ing this story, He wanted the selfish brother, and all the other people who were listening, to understand that it is better to be “rich toward God”-—to have love for Him and want to serve Him—than to have all the wealth in the,' world, The heavenly Father will give His children everything they need, just as He gives the birds and the flowers everything they need (vs. ?4, 27), so the ones who love and trust Him will want to share their good things with others.

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