King's Business - 1944-10

October, 1944


of God apart from what He Shares of H im s e lf and His blessings with His •creatures everywhere. God everlasting­ ly gives, and bestows of His goodness on others. That is the essentiaL nature of God. The Question is not whether we should share with Others,' but rather, if we can do otherwise than share with the-needy, if we have the spirit- of: Christ (cf. 1 John 3:17, 18). He gave u s 1H is beloved Son and with Him all things freely. Though . Jesus was,rich, yet for our sakes He, became poor that we through His poverty might be made ,rich (2 Cor. 8:9). “This spirit of Christ is the moti­ vating force in the believer’s life. :. 2. Sharing involves a- law of growth and of relationships. There is a selfish gathering which leads to poverty and leanness of soul. There is a Christlike giving which enriches and enlarges the giver’s Spirit as well as those who are helped. 3. By sharing with others, we make God known to those around us. The passion of Christ to reveal the love of God to the world continues through the redeemed. It is with manifest deeds of goodness and 'mercy- that the church speaks most convincingly of .the God of lov.e and of all com­ passion (Matt! 5:16). . 4. It is imperative that the Christian testimony be •sealed by acts of un­ selfish service. Commenting on this text, Martin Luther said: “It is a lie to say that thou would have done much good .to Christ if thou art not doing it to the wretched.” Truly the neglect of doing good, is a grievous offense. Not to make Christ known because of selfish, living is sin (Jas. 4:17). II. THE SPIRIT OF SHARING. 1. We are called to give with the spirit of humility. “Let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth”. (Matt. 6:3). Do not speak with pride conceniing tHe good you do. Do not humiliate the recipient; other­ wise it would be .better not to have helped at all. 2. Sharing with others is most ac-. ceptable to God and effective when it is done with heart interest for the sufferer as such. Giving is actuated often by the motive of self-glory, self- aggrandizement, or of some reward. The Christlike, giving is giving done for the sufferer’s sake. We need the love of Christ in our hearts for human beings which will create an earnest desire to help - them cheerfully and*” readily. Note the answer of the righteous to the Lord:'“when saw we thee ahungered?” (Matt. 25:37). 3. Give sacrificially. This is what determines the largeness and great­ ness of giving. The poor widow gave more than1 they all (Lk. 21:1-4).

telling them of God’s love and offer of peace '(cf. Matt. 28:19, 20). y HD A, WORLD COURT, viiet l there be established also a world court, to adjudicate all disputes between men and men, and nation versus .nation. Let the court convene regularly in the city of peace, namely Jerusalem. Let all nations render due homage to this court, sending honor­ ed representatives.' The law of the living God will be thé principle of operation.: Let the love of God be the aim of the court, and God’s righteous­ ness arid justice, the cornerstones. Who will sit on the supreme bench?. Who in heaven or earth is more cap­ able than the One whom God has appointed, namely the Lord Jesus Christ (cf. Zech. 14:4, 9, 16; John 5:22; Col. 2:3)? Conclusion I can hear you saying: “If only the world would accept these points as a basis, of peace, how different every­ thing would be!” But, .do not be dis­ couraged 'if I tell you that the world will never accept these. But I have good news to add to this sad statement. Some day, according to the never fail­ ing Word of God, without waiting for the world’s acceptance,' God will send ;His Son, the Lord. Jesus to take the reins of world government which are rightfully His. ^He will come, and will set up His kingdom,’which shall never end. Then, and not until then, will there be lasting peace on the efrfh (cf. Matt. 25:31; Rev. 19:li-16). .However, for those who receive Jesus Christ as Saviour now, there is set up a miniature world of peace right in their own! hearts. And though conflict rages all about on the out­ side, there is wonderful peace within. NOVEMBER 12, 1944 SHARING OUR DAILY BREAD M a t t h e w 25:31-45 By K. Paul Yphanii* In i the :text .of today’s lesson, our Lord, makes it clear that He expects His followers to clothe the naked, to. visit the sick, to feed the hungry, to go to those in prison, and to receive the stranger. This is just like the Master Himself. Confronted with a needy humanity, our Lord was al­ ways moved 6unto compassion. Con­ cerning Him, we read: “God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him” (Acts 10:38). For Those Who Have Topics i WHY SHARE WITH OTHERS? ’ 1. We share with other's because it is God’s way of life. We cannot think

ir s AN IDEA The ideas for this month are prepared for the Novem­ ber topics òf '“NeW' World Re--; sponsibilities.” ' Idea 1. Peace or Pieces? Take two pictures of the globe and place them on the wall in front of the C. È. room; one, intact and the oth­ er cut ;in',, pieces. Place the word “peace” over the,whole one and the word “pieces” . oyer the torn one with the , word “or” between. This is a , picture of life itself. We ei-. ther have peace with God through Christ or life falls to pieces (Phil. 3:7). • Idea 2. Care and Share. If there are ten in the group, have nine slices of bread. Pass them out, and when this is done there will be one per­ son without bread. Then ask the question, “What is the Christian thing to do?” Thè answer will be: readily seen —each one share a little (Gal. 2:10; Matt. 25:35). . • - : Idea 3. Powe r , for the Hour. Illustration: two cars, one with a motor, and one without a motor. The one is powerful. and useful, the other is not. The motpr makes the difference.: Missions a r e useless .without Christ, His is the “all power” of Matthew ' 28:1.8. . • Idea 4. Heed the Need. Cain’s question is still being asked, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” (Gen. 4:9). We, as individuals and as a nation, have a responsibility to oth­ ers around us. Restudy your s o c i e t y ’s responsibility in your own community (John 3:17).—Carlton C.,Buek. . Material ¡things in the hands of Christ, if properly given, can result in great miracles. Little-is much when God is in it. ------- - Conclusion When we have learned; to do good because it is Christlike, and the ex­ pression o f, Chrjst within, .then this matter, of philanthropy will ,serve one great, purpose:: that of making God Jcnown to an orphaned, destitute, and starving, h u m a n i t y . Whether we minister. to the body with ¡material things .or present ¡spiritual truths let all reveal Jesus Christ to a needy world as the. only true, source of light, life, and peace.

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