344 H i ty o u A S u n d a y S c h o o l a S ilt la S c h o o l? QUARTERLIES
words, but in obedience. Christ’s part ing command was concerning' rhis- sions (Acts 1:8). Hudson Taylor, founder of the China Inland Mission, on first- leaving for China, wrote to his sister: “If my Saviour calls, shall I not obey? If He' has left His throne in glory to come and bleed apd die for us, shall w£ not leave all, and follow Him?” 3. Compassion compels it (Rev. 20:12-15). The Bible tells us that men without Christ are perishing. Pity should urge us to do all in our power to bring them the gospel. John G. Paton wrote of his call to be a missionary, while doing a useful work at home: “Happy in my work as I was . . . yet I contin ually heard the wail of the perishing heathen in the South Seas.” H. WHAT YOUNG PEOPLE CAN DO. 1. They can give (Mai. 3:10; 2 Cor. 9:6, 7). Under the Old Testament, people gave a tenth of their income to God- Under the New Testament wje should give a.t least as much, and a large proportion should be given to mis- sions. 2. They can pray (Lk. 10:2). Pray for more workers. Today in China, for example, there is only one tjiird of the missionary force which was there in 1937. Pray for mission aries interned in Japan, the Philip pines, China, , and other cotmtrles. Pray for the opening of lands closed to the gospel. 3. They can go (Mk. 16:15, 16). All mission boards need replace ments. Many missionaries will be un able to resume their service because of privations suffered. Reinforcements are urgently needed. In Africa sixty to eighty millions have never heard the gospel. A thousand of the world’s languages have not yet been reduced to writing, and those speaking them have not one word of the Bible. These facts, and thousands of similar opes, should cause us each to face the question of his personal responsibility to go with the gospel. NOVEMBER 26, 1944 AMERICA’S RESPONSIBILITY
M a t t h e w 28:16-20 By Henry Oweti
The International Sun* day School Lessons fot everyagegroup—Junior to Adult. "They are the best that anyone can use.** Virginia Subscribe.
Most of us who follow the course of the war have found our knowledge of geography steadily expanding. To the. Christian, many of the names of strange places encountered should speak of a great spiritual need. North Africa, inhabited almost solidly by Mohammedans, reminds us of the 255 million members of that religion in the world. S. M. Zwemer, the outstanding authority on Moham medanism, says that in the past twelve centuries probably less than five thousand Mohammedans have be come Christians. Despite a few Chris tians in its government, China is spiritually needy, with less than one per cent of its 450 millions e v e n nominal Christians. Millions in the Philippines, subject to the Japanese, are also held in bondage by the Ro man Catholic Church. These are brief suggestions of the need. For Those Who Have Topics' I.*WHY WE SHOULD BE VITALLY INTERESTED. 1. Christ commands it (Matt. 28:16- 20; Acts 1:6-8). ■ . Soldiers obey orders unquestion- ingly. Should a Christian do less? John G. Paton, the missionary to the New Hebrides, wrotei “Conscience said louder and clearer every day, ‘Leave, all these results with Jesus, your Lord, who said, “Go ye into all- the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” ’ These words kept ring ing in my ears; these were our march ing orders.-' 2. Gratitude demands it (John 14:15; 2 Car. 5:14, 15; 1 -John ¿:18). We love Christ because He died for us. True love is expressed, not in
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IN THE NEW WORLD R o m a n s 14:16-19; 15:1, 2 Dy Dawson ■Trotman
America has everything, including the greatest responsibility of any country in the world. The richest of all nations and the most enlightened, she has the best in science, education, transportation, production, and un limited resources. Above all, the gospel of Jesus Christ has been allow-
R. J . Wells, Editor
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