7.. In Peril “When,.. all that thou hast is mul tiplied . . . 'then thine heart be lifted up, and thou forget the Lord • thy God” (Deut. 8: 13, 14). The Biblical revelation makes it plain "that those- who are prosperous, and who:are able to rejoice -because their barns are full, are always °m peril of forgetting Go'd. - Have we not all discovered that when life is beset with numerous anx ieties, we find ourselves driven to constant and unwearied prayer Be cause we know not which way to turn? We seek the face of the Lord, realizing that of ourselves we can do nothing.— The Life of Faith. 8. Daily Enabling “Our fellowship is .with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ” (1 John 1:3). The first and chief heed of our Christian life is fellowship with God. The divine life within us comes from God and is entirely dependent upon Him. As I need every moment anew the air . to breathe, so it is only in direct living communication with God that my,soul can be strong. I must every day have new grace from heav en, and I obtain it only in direct waiting upon God Himself. Begin each day by tarrying before God, and letting Him touch you. —Andrew Murray. 9. Strong in Grace “Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus” - (2 Tim. 2:1). To be strong in grace means to be rooted and grounded in the truth of being saved by grace alone, to be en joying the truth of God’s grace to a guilty sinner, and to be showing grace to one another. This gracious ministry should be shared by the leaders of God’s people. It should be passed oh from mouth* to mouth, and from life to life. Each Christian leader should be a living example of one who is full of grace and truth. —The Commentator.- 10. Tears for Souls “O- Jerusalem, Jerusalem, . . . how often would I have gathered thy chil dren together \ . . and ye would not!” (Lk. 13:34). Christ challenges us to a life of spiritual, vital, agonizing concern. We shudder’ at Nerd’s fiddling while Rome burned. We condemn Napoleon as’heartless who said, “a million'men mean nothing to me.” But that un concern is no more than ,the uncon cern shown by many toward the spir itual needs of others. Jesus wept over Jerusalem. Who, like Him, weeps over any cities or any situations or any souls today?—Selected.
Da i Iy Dev ot iona I Rea dings
perfect willingness for. His plan. Deep fellowship^ with =God.-reveals some thing of His inner, secret wish. If the Father’s will, is to be done, there must first be a .genuine effort to discern and know that will. Herein lies re sponsibility for every Christian. : —J- H. M. 4. Strength for Thy Days “The Lord is . . . the saving strength of his anointed” (Psa. 28:8). Yours may be a day of flood, such as came to Noah, but always the flood will lift the ark .in which you are safe—neare.r to heaven as the waters rise. It. may be :a. day of testing, such as overtook Moses when, single-hand ed, he fought Pharaoh. Always the great I AM will be with you in the ordeal of that day of testing. It may be a day when, lonely as John on Patmos, your life shall become dark, but you shaii see heaven open and hear the angels singing, and beyond them see the very face of Jesus Christ. Whatever your day may be, your strength shall be proportionate to it. —Baptist Herald. 5. Divine Fellowship “The law of his God is in his heart; none of his steps shall slide” (Psa. 37:31). To carry conviction into action is a costly sacrifice . .. . He who will fly as an eagle, which goes into the high er levels wher» cloudless day abides, and lives in the sunshine of God— must consent to live a comparatively lonely life. . . Whosoever will prompt ly follow whatever light God gives, without regard to human opinion, custom, tradition, or approbation, will learn the deep meaning of these words: “Then shall we know if we follow on to know the Lord.” —George Mueller. 6. Noonday Rest “Thou makest thy flock to rest at noon” (Cant. 1:7). The picture is an uplifting one: a noonday sun, a tired flockr and a thoughtful shepherd. Who is the Shepherd? It is Jesus, and you and I are the tired,'worn' sheep, weary with the labors of the day. We long'for rest. It is at this time that the good Shepherd sees our plight and comes to our rescue. By the cool streams He gently leads, and as we lie low at His feet, our souls ate nourished by His own word of promise and com fort. Blessed, understanding, sympa thetic Shepherd!-r-Pameii.
1. The Omnipotent One "The Lord on high is'mightier than the noise of many waters, yea, than the mighty waves -of -the sea” (Psa. 93:4). ' Lord God Omnipotent, King of the Ages, Mighty the waves like the waves of the sea.; : Flood after flood lifts his billows and rages. What is the. noise of those waters to Thee? Father, we rest in Thee, Oh, .let us never Dream of defeat, for defeat cannot be! . : . Comfort and strengthen the brave, wheresoever They toil and suffer that souls may be free........ Spirit of Discipline, hold our wills steady, Faithful and peaceful through pleasure and pain. Weld us together 4in comradeship, ready For the great day of Thy coming again.—Amy Carmichael. A Holy Atmosphere “Pure religion and undefiled before God . . . is this . . . to keep himself unspotted from the world” (Jas. 1:27). Scientists tell us of an insect which, though you immerse it in water, nev er touches the water. It is enveloped with the element, yet the element' never penetrates to the insect. The reason for this is that it carries with it its own atmosphere. Surrounded first by this atmosphere it can bid the other element defiance, and, though submerged in it, is untouched by it. If we cleave to God, we shall carry about with us the secret atmosphere of communion, and then, though in the, midst of sin, Ave shall remain without blemish, unspotted by the world.— The New Illustrator. 3. God’s Will for Me “Be ye transformed by the renew ing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that . . . perfect will of God” (Rom. 12:2). All of us would like to know God’s peculiar purpose which lies back of our lives. But do we not at times mis trust His providence? Do we not fear to know lest we cannot consent, to His plans? How.selfish and loveless are such attitudes! A perfect love for God must be demonstrated in a 2.
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