King's Business - 1944-10

October, 1944


11. Glory via Testing “We went through fire and through water: but thou broughtest us out into a wealthy place” (Psa. 66:12). Satan would frequently harass the believer in times of sorrow and trial by leading him to .think that God is •angry with him; that this is a pun­ ishment for some unknown offense. Do we not rather see from the Word of God that He is like a father, de­ lighting to be able to encourage a son to undertake . . . a prolonged and toilsome course of study, knowing he will obtain honors and permanent advantage from his attainments? Our- heavenly Father delights to trust a child with a trial in which he can bring great glory to God, and through which he will receive blessing for himself and others. \ —J. Hudson Taylor. 12. The Sacrifice of Praise ■ “Let them sacrifice the sacrifices of thanksgiving, and declare his works with rejoicing” (Psa. 107:22), The time to glorify God the most by praise is when it is the sacrifice of praise. Not the praise which comes from seeing things look right, but the praise which comes even before the dark clouds have rolled away! Paul and Silas had been cast into prison, after having received “many stripes." Bleeding and sore, they were flung into the inner prison, and their feet made fast in the stocks. But these two disciples knew God and trusted^ Him, and offered to Him the sacrifice of praise. They took the at­ titude of deliverance and victory and began to praise the Lord; then came the earthquake and set them all free. Let us make this our example.- —-Carrie Judd Montgomery. 13. Retaining Compassion “And said, Where have ye laid him? They say unto him, Lord;

| Se l l —-Christmas Manger Set % A Complete Christmas Story — Beautiful Cut - Out Scenes and Life • Like Figures Salespeople, here’s a marvelous opportunity to do a great service and make wonder­ ful profits for yourself. This very new, up-to-the-m inute Manger Story told In beau­ tiful cu to u t is the delight of grown-ups as well as children. No Christmas tree will be complete without it. Every family and holiday guest will be fascinated by these beautiful cut-out scenes and striking reproductions of that oft told Christmas story. Meets a Long-felt Need The MANGER SET contains 16 beautiful, life-like figures in rich colors, varnished to a lustrous wdshable finish. Made of sturdy, fiberboard and will last for years. It is just like bringing this drama-filled story into the living room of s^our own home on Christmas morning. Delightful and Instructive Gift for Children Every child will enjt>y assembling the MANGER SET. Each individual figure fits firmly into the slotted tops of the durable one-piece platform. After the holiday season is over it "can be packed back into the box and used year after year. In each box you will find a beautiful four-color folder, bringing the complete Christmas story very words of the Bible. This is not just a toy. It is a large gift box measuring 13%x8^,xlH, the perfect gift. Easily wrapped. A rich, instructive and delightful present for anyone. Agents—-Salespeople You wiH have to work fast on this amazing new gift item. The retail price is only fir ® coupon below. Enclose $1.00 and we will rush you postpaid, complete MANGER SET, order blanks, instruction sheets and everything for you .to start making money quickly. Do not hesitate.' Do not delay. W e guarantee this the hit item of the year. Rush your order today. U se coupon. WESTERN ART STUDIOS, 257 So. Spring S t, Dept KB, Los Angeles 12, Calif. I am enclosing $1.00. Rush me complete CHRISTMAS MANGER SET postpaid. I will be ready to start as soon as it arrives. Nam e................................................................ Address......................................................................... C tty........................................................................ ................. State.......................................................

PROPHECY MONTHLY BOILED-DOWN H A N D B O O K - WORLD EVENTS and Prophecy-pro­ duced by Research Staff of American Prophetic League, Inc. Keeps you up- to-the-m inute with dependable infor­ mation bearing on prophetic develop­ ments. Read around the world by Pre-millennial teachers. On account of paper allotment, only a- few .more subscriptions can be accepted this year. Price $1.00. AMERICAN PROPHETIC LEAGUE,. Inc. Box BB, Sta. Eagle Rock Lot Angeles 41, Calif. The Russian Fields Are White to Harvest *7 will sell my horse and give my whole time to the Lord’s work ” said a Russian Christian seeing the need of Gospel' work­ ers among Russians. Every available space in his little house is used for Sunday School classes, and his. Gospel meetings are crowded to overflowing. •Will,you help with your gifts to set this brother free for full-time Gospel work and to send out more laborers into the har­ vest? If you can send a regular monthly support, we shall be happy to give you the name of a Russian m issionary as vour own representative on the Field. Send something toward their •support anyway. The Friend of Russians, telling about our work, will be- sent free for any contribu­ tion, small or large. Address: Russian Missionary Society, 1944 W. Monroe St., Room 2 , Chicago 12 , 111. In Canada: 106 Winnett Ave., Toronto 10, Ont. Rev. Fé .1. Miles, International Secretary Pray for THE KING'S BUSINESS

decide for victory or defeat far more powerfully than \nything which af­ fects their material strength. The standard set for believers in Christ is no impossible standard; we can all be overcomers. In the words of Spurgeon: “If in­ deed ye are soldiers of such a Cap­ tain, throw fear to the winds. Can you be cowards when the Lord of hosts leads you? Dare you tremble when at your head is the Wonderful, the Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace?”—D. M. Panton. 15. Necessary Harmony “Man looketh on the outward ap- pearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart” (1 Sam. 16:7). Every action is twofold. A right mo­ tive must accompany a right action or the whole is neutralized. I can do a good thing, in itself, with ruinous pride, or to win esteem. On the other hand, a good motive does not sanctify an act of disobedience. The Lord sees both, and has perfect scales. Blessing results when the inward and outward life are fully united to please the Father. Let us never underestimate what God will do through a com­ pletely yielded life. —The Student of Scripture. 16. The Wise Choice “Set your effeetjon on things above, not on things on the earth” (Col. 3:2). Choices matter. We say: “It doesn’t matter this once”; or “This is too small a thing for God to notice”; yet many channels through which God’s blessings and His gospel should flow have been closed with the debris of

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