King's Business - 1944-10

October, 1944

3 4 9

L i t e r a t u r e T ab l e

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Martin Luther— The Formative Years •By B. K. Kuiper ■ Paragraphed for easy reading, this popular history of the first thirty-four years of Martin Luther’s life is a valuable book. It shows, first, how Luther “grew into his age by learn­ ing its'views about God, life, and the world,” and then “how he broke away from much that he had learned.” There are traced the steps by which Luther’s apprehension of Paul’s doc­ trine of justification by faith was de­ veloped. 135 pages. Wm. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids, Miqh. Cloth. Price $1.50. The Saviour's Invitation By Hyman Appelman The author, a Hebrew Christian who has J>een nationally used as an evan­ gelist, preached these sermons, as he says, “in burning' anxiety, in plead­ ing earnestness, in yearning appeal for the salvation and consecration of souls.” They are “the blood, the sweat, the tears, the hope, the faith” of the one who gave them. Some of the chapter subjects are: The Needed Revival; Conquering Prayer; The Sav­ ing Blood; Christ’s Greatest Question. These eighteen messages will stir a passion for the salvation of the lost. 171 pages. Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $1.50. Here are sketches, or “Miniatures” as the author styles them, of the twenty leading heroes of the Refor­ mation. The most interesting episode in the life of each one is told with accuracy and color, and in many cases tidbits of history are included -which are not found in any other biography. “The aim of the author ik to .make the reader see what Savon­ arola saw, to know what Wycliffe knew, to believe what Knox believed, to feel what Luther felt, and to will what Calvin willed.” Dr. Szabo is a minister of the Hungarian Reformed Church. Born and educated in Hun­ gary, he also has studied extensively in the United States. During many travels, he has visited all the twenty places on the map where the stories of the present: book took place. Here is geography, church history, and lit­ erature combined; illustrated by full- page pen sketches of each of the characters portrayed..296 pages. Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $2.50. The March of Truth By Stephen Szabo

"All thaf I have gone through out here will be worth it if I can get bdck to Wheaton." Thus wrote Private Lloyd Cory, for­ mer student, at Wheaton College, in à recent letter to his parents. Today he is fighting in. .New Guinea for his country. You see, Lloyd is one of the hun­ dreds of young men at Wheaton whose education was interrupted when our country went to war. But will there be room for Private Cory when he returns? Educational institutions are preparing for a great rush of students when the war has ended. But already Wheaton College is finding, it neces­ sary to turn young men and women away. How then are we going to provide for the hundreds of "Private Corys" who will be looking to us when "it is over, over fhere"? The answer is in the generous stew­ ardship of God’s people. We need a larger dining hall, dnd dormitory facilities ¡mlnediately. In addition, we need a library building, a science hall, and a music half. You are invited to share in meeting these needs. Write for our booklet, "An Eternal Investment ."

Pfc. Lloyd Cory It the ton of Victor E. Cory, president of Scripture Press, publlthert of Sunday School material.


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