King's Business - 1944-10

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


To do so he learns the meaning, the teaching of the Word, and in order to make it his own, puts it intp his own words. He has used memory, logical memory, in the process, and will .amaze the wide-awake teacher by 'showing that he has a grasp, of spiritual truth, and by his ability to locate in his own Bible the source- of his ideas. This type of memory is of infinitely more value than the ability to quote miles of unappropriated verses. In considering all other 'age groups we note that no .“two persons have the same balance of traits. Some, with a gift for rote memory, go through life thinking they know much of the Word when they have merely memorized it.- They are as­ tonished when some one suggests that memorizing is not learning. Adults Can Memorize No person need feel that he is too old to learn. The only person too old to learn is one who has allowed his mind to .stagnate. This type of in­ dividual is' found at all age levels, even in middle adolescence which is often regarded as the period of keenest mental alertness. Being lovers of slogans, we Ameri­ cans find it easier to adopt a slogan than to think out its meaning. There­ fore: “The Junior age is the golden age of memory,” and presto, an -ex­ cuse is created by the older-than- Junior-age person for not using his energy in learning the Word. Or, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks,” and again an excuse is pffered for mental laziness. Nevertheless, dozens of people after passing the age of fifty have learned new languages, have acquired new skills, have done many things never before attempted because they have refused to believe in the slogans ac­ cepted by others, and have realized that rote memory of poetry, prose, Bible, or other literature is not learn­ ing. Failure in learning is due to “mind, set.” If you make up your mind you are too old to learn—you are. But if you will clear your mind o f this fallacy, you will find yourself able to acquire more and more knowledge and skill. “The" Word,” as Andrew Murray points out, “is like a seed: everything depends upon the treatment it re­ ceives.' Some receive the Word with the understanding: there it cannot be quickened. The Word ^is meant for the heart, the will, the affections. The Word must be submitted to, must be lived, must be acted out.” . When this counsel is followed in the learning of God’s Word, the re­ membering of it will be easy and natural.

DO YOU MEMORIZE? [Continued from Page 326,]

regarded as learning, and the children vie with one another in trying to im­ press the group with how much they know. They rarely really know the verses, and more rarely do they put into practice What has been memo­ rized. Because of this desire of Juniors to show off, this age has been called the “golden age of memory.” Con­ sequently, adults who did not shine as Juniors go through life saying, “I have such a poor,memory.” (A few experiments tried out by such people, in each case proved that they memorize more readily and retain longer than the younger members of their classes.) The young person of Intermediate, or Senior High age, has learned, although not consciously, that there are other forms of knowledge than quoting Bible verses, songs, o r poetry verbatim. He wants to think.

By Evelyn McFarlane McClusky........ , 1ÖS ïsiWMvo,-N.K. PRESSED FLOWERS FROM PALESTINE Beautiful Christmas cards, direct from Jerusalem—no more after these are gone. A folder card, with beauti­ ful pressed flowers from the hills of Judea. Then on the other page a poem of rare beauty. Nt> Christmas greeting on the card-—^ou write whatever' you wish. One dollar a box of 10, including envelopes. Orders must be in multi­ ples of ten. But act quickly. American Board of Missions to the Jews, Inc. 31 Throop Ave.r Brooklyn 6, New York « v e THE KING’S BUSINESS for I Christmas. P O C K E T T E S T A M E N T S for Our Fighting Men

As we follow our boys in prayer we are thrilled that so many have re­ quested pocket Testaments, the only printed material that can be carried easily on the field of battle. How appropriate that as they face death God’s Word is close at hand to- give them the only real comfort and courage to meet eternity! You can have the joy of getting these Testaments out to the boys! Our seventeen field representatives have personally visited and held services in 114 camps, and over half a million Scriptures have already been distributed by them and through Army and Navy chaplains. Requests come constantly for more! , , .. These Testaments are given free to those who sign an agreement to carry and read a portion of God’ Word daily. On the P T L membership card is a space to write in “I accept Christ.” T o date there have been 13,823 decisions for Christ! Where can God’s entrusted money be spent better during these critical times than for pocket Testaments for fighting men? We are greatly distressed that we are not always able to supply^the great demand. We depend upon the response of Christian people. W ill you have.a share by a gift and prayer? Please mail coupon today. Gentlemen: This gift, accompanied by my prayers, is sent for distribution of pocket Testaments among Service men and women. Name....... Address... I National Headquarters, 156 Fifth Avenue, New York 10, N. Y.

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