King's Business - 1944-10


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS LIBRARIES OF RELIGIOUS ,BOOKS AND Sets purchased for cash. Write Baker’s ’ Book Store, 1019 n Wealthy St.f Grand Rapids 6, Mich. FAIVRE ANNOTATED NEW TESTA- ment; English 40 cts, French 45 cts, bound 70 _cts. Rates for quantities. Alice Fon- tannaz, 500 Oakdale Ave., Chicago 14, 111. NEW EFFECTIVE TRACTS, FREE IN any quantity for distribution to. the un­ saved: “What Have You Done With Christ?” “The Most Important Question of Today.” “Judge or Savioui/.” Address Neal A. Huff, 611 S. Broadway, Pittsburg, Kansas. CORRECT AND »SINGABLE MUSIC SET- ting for your hymn-poepi assures editorial consideration. Music composed, arranged, edited, and printed. New booklet. Poetic Metre—Explained,, 25c, Est. 1918. Raymond Iden, (KB) Mount Vernon, Ohio. WE PAY CASH FOR PARTIAL OR COM- plete libraries of religious books and sets. Send list. KREGEL’S BOOKSTORE, 525 Eastern Ave., S.‘ IjS. Grand Rapids 6, Mich. CARTOON GOSPEL TRACTS, 31SrL MIL- lion, 1000-$1; 4000-$3. Assorted. Samples 10c, E. A. Marshall, 753 Fairview Ave., Kalama­ zoo, Mich. Lecturer on, Bible customs. SEND YOUR B^EST NEGATIVE FOR 8x10 Glossy enlargements, only . 40c; 5x7 Glossy enlargements only 25c. Box 583, Mt. Horeb, W is. Distributor of soul-winning * books, plaques, and cards. EARN BEAUTIFUL WHITE BIBLE OR Testament selling Scripture stationery, 25c packet. Samples free. Providènce Press, 1218 Virginia, Sioux City 19, Iowa.

ing the man which was healed stand­ ing with them, they could say noth­ ing against it." We are so busy these days with a lot of matters about Jesus that we have lost Him; the traveler has been buried in the baggage, men are not seeing Him.. People are not won to doctrines or truths about Jesus, they are won to Jesus. What better text can one bring to the unsaved than this: “There stand- eth one among you whom ye know not”? And He is saying, “If thou knew- est the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink;’thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.” Do you know Christ? You inay kriow Him as a historical figure, a theologi­ cal subject, a great ideal, but do you know Him? Do not think of Him merely as One who lived long ago. He is present now, at the door of your heart, and He has promised to come in if you open the door. As many as receive Him become the sons of God, but “he that believeth not is con­ demned already” and must hear Him say one day, “Depart, I never knew you.” There is one supreme message to­ day: Sinners, get acquainted with the Unknown Christ; Christians, get to know Him b e t t e r and make Him known! “There standeth one among you whom ye know not” BIOLA FAMILY [Continued from Page 348] Married . Charles H. Ashman and Ruth A. McClain, ’18, July 22, Long Beach, Calif. John F. Hinderlie and Friedeléne Emma Poppinga, Sept. 2, North Bend, Ore. Born To J. Kenneth (’32) and Mrs. Altig, a. son, Howard Kenneth, July 28, Long Beach, Calif. To Chaplain James and Mrs. For­ rester (Melba Walsh, ’36), a daugh­ ter, June Lynne, June 26, San Ber­ nardino, Calif. To David (’43) and Mrs. Hamm (Evelyn Russell, ’42), a son, Leroy Harold, Aug. 2, Corvallis, *Óve. To Herbert and Mrs. Hárder, a daughter, Joyce Eileen, July 22, Ben­ ton, Kan. To John and Mrs. Kullberg, a daughter, June Lois, May 19, Laramie, Wyo. To Roy V. (’40) and Mrs. Nelson (Grace Updike, ’41), a daughter, Grace Arlene, Aug. 13, San Diego, Calif. To Arthur and Mrs. Powell (Dorothy Gantenbein, ’42), a daughter, Dorothy Marie, Aug. 8, Washington, D< C.

shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest my­ self to him” (John 14:21). What are the commandments? “And this is his commandment, That we should be­ lieve on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and- love one another, as h e . gave us commandment’YCl John 3:23). There is nothing strange and weird about this. We do not have to see visions and pray through or feel a certain way. It is a matter of p rac ti­ cal obedience. We have the command­ ments; we have the Word; but we are hearers, not doers. Jesus makes Him­ self known to those who obey the Word. • And right on this point we need to spend a lot of time and energy tha’t we waste .in argument and discussion over things not half so important as this. I am weary with all this bick­ ering among the saints over things that are marginal and not central. We need to get busy knowing Christ arid .making Him known. I heard a brother preach recently. I do not agree with all of his methods or with all that he does, but he knows Christ and he is helping a lot of other people to know Him. I saw some of them get acquaint­ ed with Christ during the meeting and 1 thought of that verse, “And behold-

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Dept. K754 153 Institute Place, Chicago 10, Illinois Gentlemen: Please send me your Interesting book­ let, DOUBLE DIVIDENDS, without obligation on my part. / O Also booklet A . I am under 20 Nom» StfMt C ity and State MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE • CHICAGO


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