King's Business - 1944-10

Teach the Young by the Fltutmelcjrcipli Method

BIBLE LESSON STORIES 25c each The Christian Soldier ThereWas A Crooked Man Birth o f Jesus Resurrection of Jesus Humpty Dumpty The Two Ways eac^ Tale ofTwo Cities The Second Coming of Christ $1.00 each Volume Life of Christ, Volume, 1 and Volume 2 Creation and Old Testament Stories,Volumes 1,2,3 Bible Verses Visualized Bible Songs Visualized Animated Life of Jesus, 50c. With Map, #2.50 Flannelboards, $3.00 up. Background Ma­ terial, $2.25up.W rite for complete catalog. America's Largest Flannelgraph House Christian Pub lica tion s, Inc. 1507 N. Third St. Harrisburg, Pa.


7CHRISTMAS CARDS 0 ^eaufifu/jb/der- —* With and without Scripture texts. Can ship at once. Also big line of Bibles, Testaments, Books, Every- ■ pi ■ ! . day Cards, etc. Send 65c In stamps j f for sample of 30 cards. v WESTERN ART STUDIOS. 257 So. Spiring St., Los Angeles 12, Calif. Dept. 810W AGENTS WANTED We need 500 Christian workers to sell our splendid religious line of everyday greet­ ing cards, pencils, stationery, novelties, sacred music, song books, plaques, mot­ tos, Bibles, books and religious merchan­ dise. Good commission. Send for our large free catalog. THE BOON E PUBLISH ING CO . P. O. Box 200 Des Moines, Iowa

A compilation of Gospel Solos with piano accom­ paniment, transposed to meet the requirements of basses, baritones, and con­ traltos. 48 pages, bound in art paper cover.

LOW V O IC E No. 1, 2 or 3 EA C H , Postpaid...........50c ORDER TO DAYI The RODEHEAVER HALL-MACK Company 119 Ninth Street Winona Lake, Indiana

The ideal gift for children, also attractive holi­ day home decoration. Sixteen cut-out scenes and figures, (Stable, Holy Family, Shepherds, Star, Wise Men, eitc.) printed in rich color on,sturdy, washable, fibre board. Beautifully portrays the Christmas scene and makes the story live. Packed in attractive gift box. Price $1.50—(Retail orders filled, $1.50). Liberal discount to agents, socie­ ties, dealers. Send only $1.00 for sample set and full information on our complete money-making agent’s line. Satisfaction guaranteed. * Write to­ day. C. W. BOYER CO., Dept. KB, 2101 Wind­ sor Rd., Dayton 5, Ohio. HURRY/ S t a r t t h e NEW YEAR w ith GRADED LESSONS by STANDARD There’s still time to get S tandard ’s Closely Graded Lessons to start your new Sunday school year. So w ell graded, they’re always understandable; a differ­ ent lesson for every Sunday, from ages 4 to 20. Quarterlies for pupils, others for teachers; weekly papers for children and adults. All Standard’s literature is true- to-the-Bible, and undenominational as the Bible itself. Choose Standard NOW 1 Write for free information on complete line of Uniform helps; also Free Prospectus of Standard’s Closely Graded Lessons, stating your department. Address Desk KB-10 The Standard Publishing Co. 8th and Cutter Streets, Cincinnati 3, Ohio

O wen 'S P alestine M ap j . . . in THIRD Dimension j Size 3 ft. 3% in. wide x 3 ft. 5 in. high | Printed in 7 colors on extra heavy map ! stock, cloth backed. Securely mounted « on finished mahogany mouldings with j appropriate hangings. | A startling innovation in map making! ! Gives the effect of an airplane view o f ] the H oly Land with valleys, mountains, j cities, rivers, roads, etc. Unique and un- J rivalled in scientific, historic and geo- 1 grap h ic accu ra cy . U n p a ra lleled for ! university classes, study groups and j private uses. j Acclaimed by Experts ! “The finest o f its kind I have ever seen” ! — Dr. Daniel A. Poling. “ Your three j dimension map so striking can hardly ; wait to get it on m y office wall”—Lowell ! Thomas. “ I can attest its accuracy in ! detail”—William Foxwell Albright. AMAZINGLY LOW PRICE Five color lithographed information j chart, 18 x 22 in., free with map. Both \ for $4.00 postpaid. Special price in J quantities. Circular Free—-Write TODAYl BEACON HILL PRESS j Dept, kb 2923 Troost Ave., Kansas City 10, Mo. !

SEL L 1945

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You can serve a great spiritual need of America today | and, at the same time, earn money for your club or.,", society. Thirteen full color illustrations by famous],: artists, a Scriptural message for each day, Sunday School lessons shown on Sundays—these and other useful facts give these calendars a tremendous appeal; in these war days—make them an easy source or big ■ money for a small amount of spare time. Amt. Cost Sell for Profit

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