Fiscal Year 2023 FWW/FWA Annual Report.pdf

Your Achievements for Our Planet


MESSAGE FOR YOU FROM Executive Director Wenonah Hauter Your generosity has powered critical campaigns across the country to protect our food, water, and climate. In the last six months*, together we’ve passed two major pieces of climate legislation in New York State, won key lawsuits forcing the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to better monitor factory farm water pollution, and finally compelled the EPA to start regulating PFAS, the dangerous “forever chemicals” in many of our products. You also ensured that we could quickly act in response to fast-breaking crises such as the toxic train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, and the threat of radioactive waste dumping into the Hudson River in New York. Your commitment to restoring the lives of people in need in Ohio and Pennsylvania still suffering through the public health nightmare triggered by the train derailment is nothing but inspiring. Your devotion to protecting the health of people, wildlife, and the environment along the majestic Hudson River is beyond uplifting. Through tragic and heartening events, your generosity shines through and has given me and the entire Food & Water Watch team plenty to reflect upon and be thankful for. I am so grateful for your steadfastness through thick and thin! This report documents your most notable achievements over the past six months. You should be impressed with how much of a difference you’ve made throughout the country in this short amount of time. Your generosity keeps our fight for sustainable food, clean water, and a livable climate for all going strong. Thank you for fighting like you live here!



Wenonah Hauter Executive Director

* Food & Water Watch has shifted our fiscal year to begin on July 1. This fiscal year 2023 annual report covers activities from January 1 to June 30, 2023.


Food & Water Watch • Food & Water Action

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