ClearWater Plumbers
April/May 2021
Who Are the Freaks? Cat People vs. Dog People
Buck is KING when he’s inside for his bougie, pretty boy, canned dinners and ego strokes from our daughters, “Buck, you’re SO cute! Let me hold you. Kiss, kiss!” He plays rough with me, but once he tries to scrap with the girls, it’s a timeout to the roof or tree.
Statistically, 67% of Americans own a cat or a dog. My family? We’re swimming in cats and dogs. We have four dogs and two cats at home, and two dogs and three cats at the shop. Yes, a mere 11 somewhat-domesticated animals. So, which is the superior pet? Where I grew up, cats roamed all around the neighborhood hills. Follow the mews to the abandoned dump truck, under the bushes, or in the storm drain, and surprise ... you’d find litters of kittens. Cats were constant companions while we waited at the bus stop, and they’d follow us to our friends’ homes to play. They knew EXACTLY where to go twice a day for fresh vittles on our balcony. We didn’t like the country dogs. It was GAME ON when they chased cats. We spent many hours causing ruckuses, clapping our hands, and throwing rocks to send them away. I’ve shared before about our tomcat, Buck Nasty (now you know why I was not allowed to name my daughters). Buck introduced himself during our road trip to Colorado. Within minutes, Amy and the girls had loaded him up for our 15-hour drive back home. You see, when you have a handful of cats, it seems you’re already committed, and adding one more really takes no more work ... That’s how crazy cat people rationalize, anyway.
So, I’m a cat guy ... But wait! There’s more ...
In my mid-20s, I adopted my Labrador retriever pup, Fandango. She helped me realize memories are less about having a dog and more about the life stages you experience while your dog remains faithfully at your side. Speaking of ownership and faithfulness, the loyalty dogs possess is undeniable. A dog’s desire for its human companion is a remedy for a bad day. ALL humans want to feel needed and important. And dogs provide that. They alert us with out of the blue barks and charges to the door when there are strangers on the other side. And dogs don’t mind the ownership of a leash and collar. The jingle means, “Time to walk my human!”
Continued on Page 4 ...
ClearWater Plumbers | 817-296-0670 |
Anti-Siphon/External Vacuum Breaker Devices
As plumbers, one thing we are looking for are these mysterious little gadgets called a vacuum breaker or anti-siphon devices on our exterior hose bibb/sillcocks. These external vacuum breakers are required at all hose bibbs/ sillcocks. If they do not already have one built in, you will need to add a screw-on type of vacuum breaker. Typically, these devices are designed with a spring-loaded check valve that, when the water is turned off, vents to the atmosphere, preventing back-siphonage.
Most homeowners do not know if they have one installed or not and what the real purpose is for.
The purpose of all of this is to prevent potential cross contamination or cross connection. This is a connection that has the potential physical connection between the water supply and any non-potable fluids, solids, or gases. The potential with a hose bibb is that if you had the hose connected and something happened that created back-siphonage or backflow, you could potentially suck contaminated fluids, solids, or gases back into the water supply. What could cause this? There are a few things, like a break in the water service piping, a sudden drop in pressure from high water withdrawal (like from firefighting activities), when the municipality performs flushing of mains, or reduced supply pressure on the suction side of a booster pump. Personally, being a plumber, I realize how many times backflow occurs in a city such as ours. This last freeze was a major backflow/back- siphonage event, by the way. You were told to boil your water because we don’t know what could have got sucked in to the water mains. Water main breaks and modifications are normal with all the infrastructure improvements and new construction. When you see little bubbles and cloudy water out of your tap, there is a good chance that water may have been off and you did not know it. Without this simple device, there are so many opportunities to suck poison into our drinking water from a garden hose. Cross connections have killed and made many people sick over the years. Protecting the water supply is a growing concern in many municipalities, as it should be. These little backflow preventers are sometimes perceived as a nuisance, but they protect your friends and family from getting really sick.
ClearWater Plumbers | 817-296-0670 |
The Future of Dog Walking
I’d like to throw you a little bone — one of my dog-walking tips and tricks. It’s HANDS-FREE, baby! And it’s almost FREE. The only thing it’ll cost you is your dignity … It’s three of us in the mornings. Luna on my left and Paka, my flea market German shepherd, on my right. Luna lags, and Paka pulls. Paka whines and whimpers and is so overly excited about our walks that Luna mistakenly thinks she is in trouble and contemplates staying home. My exercise is my 2.5-mile walk in the mornings. I’m like a mobile office surrounded by dogs (that’s the dignity part), but I don’t care. I’ll listen to audiobooks and sometimes a podcast. Some days, I’m highlighting a book and making notes while listening to the audio. Sometimes, it’s my daily planner.
Inspired by
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1 tbsp soy sauce
2 boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut into 1-inch chunks 2 medium sweet potatoes, cut into 1-inch chunks
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp honey
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper 1 large head of broccoli, cut into florets
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1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
2 tbsp canola oil
1. Preheat oven to 425 F.
Other days, I’m proofreading a document. My school of thought? Morning hours are “golden” hours for the best critical thinking, ideas, and planning.
2. On a large baking sheet, combine chicken, sweet potatoes, salt, and pepper. Drizzle with oil and toss to coat. 3. Bake for 15 minutes. In the meantime, make the sauce by combining the soy sauce, lemon juice, honey, and cayenne pepper. 4. Remove pan from oven and use a spatula to flip the chicken and potatoes, then add broccoli florets. 5. Drizzle sauce evenly over top and return to the oven to bake for an additional 15 minutes or until chicken has an internal temperature of 165 F and vegetables are fork-tender.
My dilemma? Our mutts need their walks, too, so I’ve wasted my “golden” time fighting them on walks. It is kind of like waking up on the wrong side of the bed.
One morning, I grabbed a spare $2 bungee cord, put it around my waist, and hooked Paka’s leash to it to help absorb some of the shock from her pull. WOW! The cushioned tension eliminated our 30-minute tug of war battle. Better yet, I didn’t have to hold the leash. Now, I could walk Luna, too. Luna was a breeze to walk once she was tethered to the same $2 bungee cord around my waist. By the time we’re home, the mutts are happy, I’ve exercised and “worked” for 30 minutes, and I’m ready for my day at the shop. Add up the time, and it’s like getting in an extra two weeks of work a year just having free hands during my walks. P.S. To see my hands-free dog-walking trick in action, take a picture of the QR code, and I’ll show you how it’s done. Mutts walking me while I work? Dignity is overrated.
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Remember ... every quarter, we draw a name for a $500 cash prize! Every time you refer ClearWater, your name goes in the pot. Keep on referring! May the odds be in your favor.
ClearWater Plumbers | 817-296-0670 |
6954 Boat Club Rd. Fort Worth, TX 76179 817-296-0670
ClearWater Plumbers
Who Are the Freaks?
What Are Anti-Siphon/External Vacuum Breaker Devices?
The Future of Dog Walking
Sheet Pan Chicken Dinner
Who Are the Freaks? ... continued from Cover
Cat and dog owners are never short on “Who are the better pets?” debates but do share common ground on necessities. Phones and social media accounts contain more photos of our four-legged friends than our humans. We appreciate the 10 inches of bed space we receive, and we forget about solitary bathroom breaks. We’re down for ramen while it’s five-star dining for them. (Did you know that Americans spent $42.7 billion on pet food and treats last year?!) Most importantly, we are healthier and happier with furry mates by our side. So, are our canine and feline family members worth the expense, hassle, and aggravation? For us, it’s a NO BRAINER! There is no match for the rewards of companionship and unconditional love. As for me? It’s only natural to have cats and dogs who coexist. Once our furry mates establish rules of order, cats and dogs gel like peas and carrots. Although, I’ve never cared for peas and carrots mixed together and am more of a steak and potato person. It all makes for a better, balanced meal. Our home and work families like the balance of BOTH cats and dogs mixed together to keep us happier and healthier.
Cats are different. Hisses and growls say, “Don’t dare insult my intelligence or independence by trying to strap on a leash!” And, about those strangers or intruders? SCAT to the nearest closet, fraidy cat! Most outdoor cats aren’t interested in ownership — just meals and hunting. Most cats, male or female, like to wander and will snub you if the neighbor’s food is better than yours. If cats deem you worthy of their affection, you’re rewarded by being allowed to pet them. They may even indulge you with a purr ... IF you’re being a really good servant to them.
- Your ‘ole buddy, Jeff
P.S. Don’t forget to “paws” and think about our overwhelmed stray and feral communities. And remember to spay and neuter!
ClearWater Plumbers | 817-296-0670 |
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