
12B — January 27, 2017 - February 9, 2017 — Property Management — Owners, Developers & Managers — M id A tlantic

Real Estate Journal


P roperty M anagement

By Marcy Gross, Sheldon Gross Realty Inc. Property management excellence features multiple components

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ou know that old say- ing about great change bringing great opportu-

property owners, tenants, resi- dents, boards, and directors. The finest property manag- ers are those who perceive a need for change and re- sponding accordingly. At the very least, most managers realize that change is now being driven by security, sus- tainability, and technology concerns. These are subjects many people care about deeply, and spend a good bit of time pondering. So, it’s imperative that own- ers, boards and in-house di- rectors remain up-to-date on available capabilities. In terms

of security, it can be build- ing access and surveillance systems; with sustainability, it may be recycling or water usage; and with technology, perhaps it’s wi-fi access. What- ever the particular consider- ation – and they’ll often vary from property to property – an excellent management service addresses concerns and pro- vides effective solutions. At Sheldon Gross Realty, we realize it’s impossible to give clients what they want unless they’ve expressed a specific de- sire. Until we inquire of those who’ll utilize our service, we

don’t presume to know what’s truly important to them. So, we communicate regularly and ask questions … and once we’ve received direct feedback, we can proceed with the busi- ness of updating and upgrad- ing a property. When it comes to the regu- larity of change within the property management sec- tor, it’s not exclusively about the latest communication or video hardware. Sometimes, it’s about providing new ser- vices – and one such offering that’s been attracting lots of attention lately is homeowner

association (HOA) manage- ment. It’s an exciting addition to any property management provider’s toolbox, and one that can add client value and attract new business. At its best, HOA manage- ment means giving a board and perhaps in-house director hands-on access to a senior professional for handling all appropriate responsibilities. Companies’ services vary, but this often includes manage- ment of finances, including all day-to-day accounting and report creation and distribu- tion. Also included can be budget-related activities, be- ginning with counsel related to development of both short- and long-term financial strategies. For most homeowner boards and directors, meeting over- sight is an onerous task. Most HOA managers will assume this responsibility, from pro- cessing minutes to generat- ing reports. And, taking on another difficult responsibil- ity, they’ll generally oversee maintenance, including com- munication with in-house staff, hiring vendors, and addressing property mainte- nance violations. Other offerings that may fall under a company’s HOA management umbrella include board member training and legal support services. Sheldon Gross Realty offers an ex- tremely comprehensive HOA management service. I believe what should make our particular offering most attractive to clients seeking assistance with their property management is the range of our overall professional ex- pertise. We’ve been in busi- ness for decades; our current client retention rate is 90 percent; our property manage- ment portfolio now consists of approximately one million square feet of office, industrial, retail, and residential proper- ties within multi- and single- tenant buildings. In short, our clients and tenants appreciate and value their relationships with us, and we’ve essentially seen and done everything in this turbulent field. When a client seeks a firm to handle property management needs, no factors are more important to consider than professional experience and ongoing success. Marcy Gross is the ex- ecutive vice president at SheldonGross Realty Inc. n

Well, few fields evolve a s r ap i d l y as property m a n a g e - me n t . Th e catalyst for t h i s o n g o - ing evolution

Marcy Gross

is the world at large; as it changes – based on economic conditions, geopolitical events, or technological developments – so do the expectations of

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