Real Estate Journal — Green Buildings — January 27, 2017 - February 9, 2017 — 21B
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G reen B uildings
By George Crawford, Green Partners Useful takeaways from the NYC Buildings Report
ew York City has is- sued its Energy and Water Use 2013 Re-
to this Report, lighting and domestic hot water improve- ments are the two most highly recommended “opportunities” for implementation. These measures have fast investment paybacks in the two year range, which make them worthwhile investments both in terms of improving building operations but also improving building cash flow as well. However, as building owners and managers well know, there are also many infrastructure improvements that do not result in savings, but must be done. Given the age factor of the majority of NYC buildings,
addressing more and more infrastructure improvements that do not result in savings will become the new norm. The downside is the negative impact on building operating expenses. Capital projects that do not result in savings will always increase building oper- ating expenses. Resistance to increased expenses is a reality and will often, if not always, put the brakes on projects that should be implemented sooner rather than later. The focus of this article is to suggest a strategy to work around these financial road blocks. Our recommended strategy to
address “financial roadblocks” is to combine projects – one project with a positive payback and the other with a slow (or no) payback. The goal here is to combine those projects that would result in an average pay- back of five years or less. If you go to page 30 of the Report, you will find a schedule of energy saving measures with payback periods for each measure. A case study of how this strategy could work follows: The building in this example is a luxury high rise multi- family building. The common areas in this building were lit by 1,075 fluorescent lamps of
different descriptions (tubes, CFLs etc) and some MR 16s for lighting accents in the lobby areas. All of the common area lighting was replaced by a vari- ety of LED products. The total annual KWh savings that re- sulted from this LED retro-fit is over 190,000 KWh - an annual cost reduction of $45,000.00 ( 24 cent rate). The total cost for this retrofit, including LED product and installation was $60,000.00 - less a Con Ed Multifamily rebate of $15,000.00, for a net investment of $45,000.00. Over a 5 year period the electric utility bill savings will total continued on page 22B
por t – Au- gus t 2016 . This “Report” contains in- f o r m a t i o n that can be highly useful to building owners and managers of
George Crawford
HUD’s lead Safe Housing Rule and its compliance require- ments, who is experienced with how to create and institute a HUD acceptable Lead Hazard Control Plan, and is familiar with Lead Litigation risks and how to manage them most appropriately. As the REAC inspector will share during their next visits, you have been advised! Lee E Wasserman, is a 25 year Lead-based Paint sub- ject expert and president of LEW Corporation. continued from page 20B IF YOU ARE NOT LEAD-BASED . . . older buildings regardless of location. Much of the informa- tion contained in this Report goes beyond just “Energy and Water”. Included is a timely reminder that the vast major- ity of existing NYC buildings were built in a 40 year period between 1920 and 1960. Given that time frame, a quick math calculation would tell you that the youngest of those build- ings is over 50 years old and the oldest is approaching 100. Because of the high likelihood that a majority of these build- ings will continue to stay with us, this Report offers a timely heads up for owners and man- agers to start giving some care- ful thought to evaluating the condition of the infrastructures and systems of these buildings. Certainly over the years there have been upgrades, but when these buildings were built, there were few, if any, 100 year warranties given. So If your building is in this age group and has not been upgraded, now may be a good time for an evaluation. Another interesting take- away from this Report are opportunities. These oppor- tunities include a number of building infrastructure im- provements that will pay for themselves through the energy savings that result following implementation. According
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