PEG Magazine - Fall 2015


“Regulatory team members come from different business, professional, and technical backgrounds. There’s a broad diversity of education, background, culture, age, and gender. It all adds up to an incredible diversity of perspective, and they’re applying that in their roles across all the Regulatory portfolios.”

CAROL MOEN, P.ENG. Registrar

figure out what we need to do as a self- regulatory organization. Then we deliver on that.” She systematically worked through all APEGA’s Regulatory Group portfolios — Registration first, then Appeals, Compliance, Examinations, and Investigations. More recently, she began focusing on Discipline and Professional Practice. With an eye to improving overall efficiencies and effectiveness, several enhancements have been implemented that have fundamentally changed the way the departments operate. This includes more consistent processes, policies, and procedures. “Just as the bar rises for business, the bar rises for the professions and the bar rises for APEGA. We need to continue doing our job better and better,” she says. Well before she started working for APEGA, Ms. Moen was proud to be a professional governed by a self-regulatory body. “Now, I’ve been able to positively influence that governance,” she says. “It’s exciting for me to help modernize the roles, expectations, and execution of APEGA as a body. And it is great to be giving back to the profession that’s been so good to me throughout my career.”

APEGA'S REGULATORY TEAM . . . diverse and effective


It’s one thing to implement change; it’s an- other to show that it’s working. A top priori- ty for Ms. Moen has been the implementation of key performance indicators (KPIs) to help Regulatory departments measure how well they’re doing, moving forward. Measuring efficiency and effectiveness can be challenging, although numbers show

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