PEG Magazine - Fall 2015

CEO’s Message


How a Formalized Leadership Team is Helping Create APEGA Successes

BY MARK FLINT, P.ENG. APEGA Chief Executive Officer

When I was informed that the theme of this PEG is Success, I thought: How can I possibly choose a topic? APEGA has achieved significant success over the past year, improving the way applications are processed, improving customer service, improving the efficiency of some of our statutory processes, and continuing to refine governance. Any one of these subjects is a story all its own. If you don’t believe me, check out the rest of this edition. Many of the subjects I’ve mentioned are covered elsewhere. So, back to the original question: How do I choose? The answer is that I don’t. As the CEO, I’ll use this space to look at the people who have directed and enabled these successes. While we have accomplished these changes in stride, none of them would have been possible without great leadership. And no, this does not mean the CEO is about claim credit. APEGA’s Council has provided leadership to me. From a day- to-day perspective, however, much of APEGA’s success is due to the leadership provided by APEGA’s senior leadership team. Our current senior leaders have been working here for varying lengths of time, but they have been together as a full team for only seven months. I would like to honour their contributions by briefly discussing their achievements, starting with the leaders with the longest APEGA tenure. APEGA’s Director, Communications, is Philip Mulder, APR, FEC (Hon.), FGC (Hon.). No relation to his X-Files namesake, our Mulder leads a very capable team of communication specialists who assist me in assessing reputational risk and developing and crafting messages. Drawing on his depth of strategic communications experience with the Government of Alberta and Credit Union Central of Alberta, Philip has been a key advisor. He has helped our team interpret items that arise in the media and their relevance to APEGA. He has also provided sage input whenever APEGA has decided to speak on potentially contentious issues. Philip, thank you for your nuanced explanations and fearless candour. Pat Lobregt, FEC (Hon.), FGC (Hon.), is APEGA’s Director, Executive & Government Relations. Pat has been an APEGA stalwart, supporting staff members and volunteers alike. Pat currently provides two critical functions. First, drawing on her vast experience both in and with government, Pat gives

superb advice on how government might interpret situations and how APEGA can most appropriately communicate with government. Second, using diplomacy and wisdom, Pat helps me support APEGA’s Council by fielding questions and coordinating a host of details, as well as by providing administrative support for Councillors as they prepare to chair committees and attend meetings. Pat, thank you for your patience and loyalty. Carol Moen, P.Eng., joined APEGA after more than 25 years with Dow Canada in Fort Saskatchewan. Approaching two years as APEGA’s Registrar, she has been instrumental in ensuring that APEGA’s regulatory mandate is effectively discharged. Responsible

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