
6B — November 11 - December 8, 2016 — Owners, Developers & Managers — M id A tlantic

Real Estate Journal


O wners , D evelopers & M anagers

EW YORK, NY — Mi chae l Mu l l in , president of real es- The Tech Stack and Cyber Security among topics at NYC Real Estate Expo IBS’s Mullin serves on “Technology & the Commercial RE Services Firm of Tomorrow” Panel N

of ExteNet Systems Inc . and Brian Zrimsek of MRI Soft- ware . Josh Rosenthal of RE- Plexus served as moderator. The Real Estate Tech Stack One key topic addressed by the panel involved the evolu- tion of the real estate technol- ogy stack. “Decades ago, the tech stack was an actual stack of hardware in a commer- cial real estate organization’s IT department,” Mullin said. “Now, like most technology, it’s virtual and resides in the cloud. In short, it includes multiple software applications that are used to manage core functions.”

This includes programs that facilitate leasing, accounting, project tracking and reporting, building management, budget- ing and valuation, marketing, contract management, and le- gal. According to Mullin, cloud computing is facilitating the integration of these platforms, which enables the streamlining of routine management tasks and also greatly increases the ability to use information to improve planning. IBS’s own leasemanagement/ accounting software is used by dozens of regional commercial and residential real estate own- ers and operators in the NJ/NY regional market. Earlier this year, the 37-year-old, Totowa, based firm introduced Impe- rium Powered by Acumatica, a new, cloud-based system. “The enterprise lease man- agement/accounting platform is the logical center of a well- assembled commercial real estate tech stack,” said Mullin. “Today’s most cutting-edge products allow other compo- nents of the stack to integrate into this core, sharing data in real time, to facilitate every aspect of leasing and asset management.” Cyber Security In A Threatening Landscape The NYC Real Estate Expo panel also discussed issues related to cyber security. Ac- cording to Mullin, ransomware (where perpetrators encrypt software programs and files to restrict them, and then demand that the users pay a ransom to remove the restriction) and CEO fraud (where email hack- ers pose as company leadership to trick employees into wiring funds) are among the most com- mon – and concerning – issues today. “Cyber safety is an incredibly important topic for real estate organizations,” said Mullin, whose company also special- izes in Managed IT Services. In that role, IBS help clients keep their systems current and cre- ate competitive advantage in a world of rapid change. This includes the assumption of a significant amount of custom- ers’ technology-related risk, es- pecially in the areas of security and compliance. “Companies may feel help- less, but prevention is pos- sible through a combination of data-centered and people- centered security,” he noted. “In the scope of things, the cost continued on page 7B

tate technology solutions firm Integrated Business Sys- tems (IBS) , served as a fea- tured panelist at NYC Network Group Inc.’s 8th Annual NYC Real Estate Expo in Manhat- tan. Mullin participated in a panel discussion entitled, “Technology & the Commercial Real Estate Firm of Tomorrow.” Other members of the panel included Laura Jamer of DIRTT Environmental So- lutions , Morris Tabush of the Tabush Group , Derek

Michael Mullin (center) with co-panelists Laura Jamer and Bill Delgrego at the recent NYC Real Estate Expo.

Telecom , Elizabeth Young of Reonomy , Bill Delgrego

Hall of Property Shark , Di- ego Perazza of Lightspeed

Imperium Powered by Acumatica Introducing

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Contact us today. sales@ibsre.com www.IBSRE.com (973) 575-4950

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