Real Estate Journal — Shopping Centers — November 25 - December 8, 2016 — 13C
M id A tlantic
It’s That Time
We are inviting industry leaders to be a part of our “year book”. We will preview the top Headlines of the year along with photos of your top executives along with a special season’s greetings or thank you ads to your clients, brokers, owners, architects, and employees that helped make 2016 a winning year. SEND IN YOUR TOP EXECUTIVE HEAD SHOTS Please take this opportunity to review your year’s successes and congratulate all who helped make it happen! 2016 Year in Review of Year Again!
Publication date: December 23, 2016 Deadline: December 9, 2016
Special advertising rates to all participating firms.
Linda Christman Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal Tel: 781-871-5298 x 203
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