July Beekeeper for Web



Above: Prestige Stainless’s small plant.

Prestige Stainless also had a small horizontal radial extracting unit on display. The Australian beekeepers have historically been using sumps with heating coils to separate off the wax cappings. They are now being introduced to capping screw presses. These are the way to go as they make handling cappings much easier. Kintail Honey Ltd have used a big three-phase model for many years, but it wasn’t until recently that the European manufacturers have started producing smaller single-phase models. If you are thinking of changing to a wax press, keep the spin float wax separator in the line to remove any wax that comes off the frames in the extractor. It might not need cleaning so often because it will be hardly working, with most of the wax will be being removed at the uncapping stage.

Below: Truck with an EZYLoader. All photos by Frank Lindsay.

Paradise Honey’s display.

Paradise Honey’s honey and wax press systems. These are used to separate out wax and honey stationed under the uncapper.

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