July Beekeeper for Web




Hub AGM Following is the Chair’s report for 2016/17 presented by Barry Hantz at the Hub’s AGM, 30 May 2017. Another season has passed and it has been an interesting and variable season to say the least. The mānuka honey flows in the North Island were non-existent in some parts and average at best in others. Clover honey in the North seemed to be well down in the best producing areas as well. In the South Island the mānuka was well down due to the trees not flowering at all in some areas. The clover seemed to be patchy throughout with the Mid-Canterbury plains seeming to have an above-average crop. Kamahi and rata honey flows were down due to poor weather conditions at the time of flowering and the beech honey dew was well down, with the later hives moved to the honey dew only getting enough to winter themselves down. Hives were in hot demand for small seed crop pollination this year again, with some beekeepers choosing not to use any of their hives for these crops, instead chasing the mānuka dream. I do think some of these beekeepers may have regretted this decision this season. This past year has seen a huge change in our industry with the new industry organisation, Apiculture NZ, launched and open for business. It has been a long time coming and will benefit us all overall in the apiculture industry. The biggest point I have noticed so far is the relationship that Apiculture NZ has with Government in Wellington. This is where we have struggled to have a say at the table in the past but the tide has turned with Government approaching Apiculture NZ when matters arise; not the industry chasing the Government as in the past. This kind of relationship can only benefit us all in this ever-expanding industry. At the beginning of this month we had a field day at Denfield, Geraldine District Golf Club. It is the first field day that the Canterbury area has had in many years. About 90 people attended, hearing a wide range of speakers from over New Zealand and on a great range of topics. Hopefully we can continue this on and have another field day soon. Apiculture NZ conference is just around the corner in Rotorua this year again. If it is anything like last year’s conference, then you will not want to miss it. There will be lots of great speakers and workshops to attend and lots of great trade displays to look at all the latest, and greatest equipment for our industry.

Area reports Oxford area: With the cool spring, it was hard to get bee populations increased. The mānuka was present, then not present. Too dry for beech, then wet and cold. Hives are going into winter with not a lot of pollen. Gorse is just starting to flower at the end of May. We need some heat for the hives in spring. Torlesse Valley: The beech dew did not stop except over January/ February. Some mānuka, but generally mixed with the dew. We struggled with every honey flow. We fed half the hives with MegaBee® in syrup (one kg/hive). The best results with this were in spring feed. Mid-Canterbury: Stopped extracting in early June. We had the best season in years. Hives are looking good going into autumn. Each hive was fed 6 kg of MegaBee®. It was a good year with carrots. Increase in pollination contracts. Clover 40 kg/hive. We are anticipating that the clover seed price will drop.

Meeting dates for 2017

The Federated Farmers Building is situated at Unit 8, 35 Sir William Pickering Drive, Christchurch. Other meetings are informal restaurant meetings.

July: National conference and AGM in Rotorua. No Hub meeting.

Tuesday 22 August, 4.00 pm SHARP: Tour of extraction plant and brand-new packing facility, Midlands Apiaries. Whilst we cannot guarantee the Midlands facility will be operational, the plant is impressive. 6pm: Robbies Restaurant (opposite Midlands), SH1, Ashburton. Informal dinner meeting. Tuesday 19 September, 7.30 pm: Federated Farmers Building. Usual agenda. Speaker and Powerpoint presentation to follow: “Harnessing Chelifers Against Varroa”, Ron van Toor, Plant & Food Research, Lincoln. Ron is also a member of the Apiculture NZ Biosecurity and GIA Focus Group. Tuesday 31 October, 7.30 pm: Federated Farmers Building. Usual agenda. Bring an item or photo of interest—current or historic. Rotorua 2017 ApiNZ Conference CD to follow. Tuesday 28 November, 6.30pm: Restaurant meal and informal meeting. Venue Belfast/Kaiapoi/Rangiora area (to be advised).

We have an Acting Chair, and seek replacement. Enquiries to john@hartnellnz.com or barry@hantzhoney.co.nz

- Maggie James, Hub Secretary

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