A new waste initiative of segregating organic waste was launched in January 2024 at RNSH in collaboration with our valued partners - HealthShare and Zouki. Our kitchen waste would have normally been placed into landfill.
Veolia, our waste partner now transports our kitchen waste offsite to SoilCo where it is transformed into premium compost and mulch products. By doing so, RNSH has effectively redirected a greater volume of waste from landfills.
In alignment with National Waste Policy Action Plan, we aim to achieve targets of 80% resource recovery rate from all waste streams to landfill by 2030. We have increased our waste diversion from 14% in December 2023 to 19% in April 2024. Our partners are continuously refining their internal processes to capture maximum organic waste. It is a long path to our targets, but we are steadily making strides forward.
P22 – A SMART WAY OF PHARMA DISPOSAL Did you know that pharmaceutical waste contaminates soil and waterways if dumped into
OXYGEN CYLINDER TRIM REDUCES CARBON Royal North Shore has reduced its carbon footprint by rationalising its portable oxygen cylinder holdings to lower oxygen demand. At the beginning of 2023, our oxygen cylinder holdings stood at 939.
general waste?
Our Net Zero Leads, Debbie Barry and
Sally Nicolson have designed a process to ensure pharmawaste generated at Royal North Shore does not end up in landfill by introducing Pharmasmart P22. Pharmasmart P22 are bins implemented in our clinical areas. They are located within the treatment rooms across our wards. All pharmawaste including ampoules, vials, tubing, drawing up needles, expired tablets and capsules are discarded into them. The contents then undergo high temperature incineration. Thereafter, the Pharmasmart P22 bins are cleaned and reused. Thanks to our Net Zero Leads, we now have a secure way to discard medications and pharma waste at Royal North Shore.
A PAR level was introduced to each location across the campus, thereby reducing our holdings to 527 at the beginning of May 2024. This a 56% reduction across the site.
Our Emergency Department implemented a trial project called ROCkED to manage their cylinder holdings. They have removed the need for cylinders underneath all beds, reducing their demand footprint and reducing work, health and safety issues with lifting the cylinders on an off the beds. These efforts have led to reduced resource demand, lower carbon emissions from production and transport and decreased use of operational materials.
HAVE YOUR SAY If you have a sustainability story or idea to share, feel free to scan the QR code to send in your idea.
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