Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes and Obesity in Women

R—e saenadr cthh esnh odwi ssc ht haar gt ewdo—m ewnhairl ee isne vt he ne mt i mi desst mo foar eh el iakretlya ttthaacnk . m e n t o b e m i s d i a g n o s e d 36 Research shows that women are seven times more likely than men to be misdiagnosed — and then discharged — while in the midst of a heart attack. 35 ! PA hn yds ci cl ai as ns isc mmaeyd mi c ai sl st ehxet abrot oaktst ahcakvse bbeeceanu swe rwi t toemn ebna’ ss esdy mo np mt o aml es mc aond de il fsf eorf df rios me a sme .e n ’ s . 37

HEART ATTACK SYMPTOMS: MEN VS. WOMEN The most common symptom of a heart attack for both men and women is chest pain. But women may experience less obvious warning signs.

Men Nausea or vomiting Jaw, neck or back pain Squeezing chest pressure or pain Shortness of breath

Women Nausea or vomiting

Jaw, neck or upper back pain Chest pain, but not always Pain or pressure in the lower chest or upper abdomen Shortness of breath Fainting Indigestion Extreme fatigue

Source: American Heart Association’s journal, Circulation |

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