Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes and Obesity in Women

The science of obesity is clear: obesity is a disease and not an individual’s fault or mere - ly a product of individual lifestyle choices or environmental conditions. 64 Such miscon- ct he ep tdi oi snesa fsaei l atnodr ec coongt nr iibz ue ttihneg bt oi o ul ongdi cear lucsoe md pb ou nt eenf ftescot ifvoebme sei tt hy,osdt si g omf aatdi zdi rnegs tshi nogs ei twl iikt he the use of anti-obesity medications (AOMs) and surgical intervention. Obesity is a chronic metabolic disorder associated with CVD and increased mor- bidity and mortality rates . 65 A National Library of Medicine abstract states that “obe- sity contributes directly to incident cardiovascular risk factors, including dyslipidemia, tmy epne t 2o fd ci aabr de ti oe sv,ahs cyuplearrt edni ssei oa ns eaannddscl ea er dpi odvi saosrcduel ar rs . dOi sbeeassi et ymaol srot allei tayd isntdoe pt heen ddeenv et llyo po -f other cardiovascular risk factors.” 66 Weight Stigma, Healthcare and Women Healthcare is one of the most common contexts in which weight stigmatization occurs; isntigfamcta, apnhdysdicisiacrnismhinavaetiobne.en reported as the second most common source of weight 67 A nationwide survey conducted in 2014 by the Women’s Hp oe na er t aApl lhi ay ns iccei afno ua np dp ot ihnat tm4e5n%t uonft iwl looms ienng rwe epiog rhtte. dI ni tt hwi sa ss uc rovme ym, Co nV Dt owcaasn rcaetl eodr aps ot shte- top concern less frequently than weight issues by both women and physicians. Women reported being more apt to put off going to the physician (63%) than doing their taxes (27%). 68 Weight stigma is clearly an issue when it comes to women’s willingness to discuss heart health with their doctors.

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